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Ante Barbir's picture

Editing software

Dear all,

First of all, let me greet all of you, this is my first post, in general from all the time about photography.
I cached these guys yesterday, can you please advise in which program edit pictures for more dramatic and professional looks.
Also please advise what do you think about picture, since I am beginner, every advice is more than welcome.

Hope to have pleasant mutual advice and lots of more photos.


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It is very helpful to shoot RAW, which affords so much more control than shooting JPEGs.

The most common software in use is arguably Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop. Lightroom is used to process RAW files from your camera and does most of what most photograhs need. Photoshop is used when LR does not have the entire feature-set needed to complete the process a photograph may require. Lightroom is a very powerful tool although Photoshop is better known outside the industry. They both have their place and few who have both could imagine working with just one or the other. Of course there are other products and some are cheaper. Capture One is very highly regarded and can do much the same as Lightroom does, some might argue it does better, in some ways. These are facts but I am not an expert in the software side of the industry although I have used these Adobe products for some years. I was trained in the 1970s so my main skills are to do with photography rather than digital processing so there will be others who can better advise you about alternatives if the cost of these pro products is a bit steep, they are powerful pro tools and priced accordingly. There are more limited versions available and there are the new CC versions which I understand you can pay a monthly fee to use, and the benefit is that you are always kept upto date. Not cheap either, I imagine.

It is good to have both LR and PS for sure.

As Ian said, Lightroom and Photoshop are the most popular, but there are many others. And many people, including myself, don't like to rent our software. Check out my article on options to LR and PS http://www.jeffcolburn.com/articles/10-alternatives-to-adobe-photoshop-l...

You have a nice location for your photograph, but there is no main point of interest. I don't know where to look with so many birds flying around. Get in closer and photograph one or two birds. Lay on your stomach for a more interesting point of view. And keep the horizon level. Keep shooting.

Have Fun,

My workflow is this: Shoot RAW, import into Lightroom for basic edits (white balance, sort out any problems with exposure, cropping etc) then in to Photoshop for anything more complex. Light table for Linux is pretty good (and free) and The GIMP (also free) is also very good , if you have the time to learn it. I use both in a pinch but I've been using Adobe products for years for web design ( PS since version 3 and Fireworks) so I don't want to have to learn new software whilst I've still so much else to learn about actually taking photos!

Nice snap of some flying birds but I think "amazing photography" is taking things too far.