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Rj Olaso's picture


A tropical monsoon past Mt. Iraya from Pacific ocean creates a moody sunrise over the boulders at Valugan Beach.

Valugan Boulder Beach, Batanes, Philippines

f/8 239sec ISO-200

B+W 3.0 ND 110 Filter
Nikon D750 / Tokina 11-16 @16mm

© 2016 Rj Olaso, All rights reserved.

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I really like this photograph with its surreal lightbox effect water around the rocks and such a powerful weather front sky, mirroring the shoreline. and the dark moody colours and tones. The horizon is just off horizontal but that is very slight and only a picture straightener, like me, would notice. All in all, a very good job.

Hi Ian, Thanks for looking! I, myself fooled by that because of the vanishing point creating an illusion of having horizontally off. ;-)

Well done! Beautiful long exposure photo!

Thank you, Mikkel!

Awesome photo with great foreground and lead in from the edge of the rocks. Really like the dark moody tones and the surreal long exposure

Thanks again Tyler!

Very nice!