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Yogesh Dhakal's picture

Critique Plz .. It was today morning

Hi i would love to have some feedback and critique on this.

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I think you should workl a little bit on the white balance as the snow appears blue. The composition is quite good

thank you stefano .. i will surely work on it again .. and fix the white balance ..

The snow is blue as it is lit by the blue of the sky, rather than by the sun, which has set and was behind the wood. Its about as one would expect, if shooting at WB at or near 5600 degrees kelvin. I quite like that, and I have often shot in a similar way and to similar effect. In fact, I have an evening shot of a bridge in my FS portfolio just like it, with one side all magenta red where the setting sun is just lighting it and the other parts of the bridge are just such a blue. I like the look. However, it does seem just a bit dark, not much but a little,

I like the winding road.

As with many landscapes it lacks a subject., someone walking their dog, a courting couple kissing or walking hand in hand, a 4x4 coming towards us or a couple of kids dragging a sledge and chucking snowballs, a stag standing in the road, like I once saw very late in the evening in the Scotish highlands, as if he was on sentry duty guarding his bridge. John Constable had his Hay Wain and JWM Turner his train etc etc.

Thank you Ian for such detailed observation. I had no time to wait for the subject .. :) .. This is just outside my apartment .. I could not stay there longer because of the cold .. i just went out seeing the colors in the sky.. but as it gets less cold i will take time to make a picture at the same place.
Also, i will try to work with this picture adjusting the brightness like you've said.

As others have already said, it appears blue. I like the composition of the photo though. Well done

Thank you Tyler .. Now it already looks too blue for me as well .. :) .. I will surely fix the white balance .. thank you again ..

I really like the composition. I'm kind of half agreeing with Ian here. I like the emptiness of the road but I think if you sort the white balance out so that snow is white and to my eyes that pink at the top of the image looks a bit "off" (I can't quite put my finger on why it looks strange to me), it would look colder and crisper which would illicit an emotional reaction to the viewer, sort of "Brrrr that looks cold" and then they're drawn into the picture. Then I feel the interest in the image would be the emptiness and isolation rather than a sort-of-pretty snowy road. Miles to go before I sleep.......

Thank you Paul . .yup miles to go before i sleep .. :) .. thank you for the observation. After 3 people telling its blue it surely is getting too blue .. :D . i will fix the WB for sure ..

I would suggest only a modest reduction in the blue and maybe a very modest reduction in green, too. Mainly a bit of lightening, for me. But I am becoming notorious for my moody attitudes. Enjoy.

I'll do that Ian. "Notorious" hahahaha .. i have the same problem but its because of the cold :D .. you will do fine .. :)

We're not all flowers and sunshine mate :)

Nice composition. Adding an element in frame would have been interesting :)

thank you paaji :) .. will try to wait for an element once it gets a little warmer ..


I like the composition and sympathize with not having time to wait for a subject. From a post standpoint, try lifting the shadows a bit and dodge the the pathway a bit so it draws the viewers eyes a bit more.

My 2 cents...hope it helps.