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Patrick Luchsinger's picture

Bagan Sunset

Not quite sure if this is a 100% landscape shot, but since the post-processing was quite similar I hope it's alright if I post it here.
I would love to get some feedback on the post-processig in this shot as I think the scene has potential, but I'm not totally happy with the image.
What would you do differently?

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Hi Patrick,
This is a nice composition but I think it needs a bit of processing help. The panoramic crop works. Two things are distracting my eye. The first is the shadows in the middle of the frame. Did you add some of them as they just don't look real. The second distraction is the light halo between the mid-ground and the mountain back-ground. I'd get those fixed. Then there might be an opportunity to pull the deep blues, violets out of the mountain range to add a color complement to the warm sky and foreground.

Hey Mike, Thank you for your comment!
The sun rays were actually there, but I did do some dodging and burning there.. Maybe a bit too intense..
As for the halo, the lighting was so difficult there, that I had halos from the beginning of processing.. Removed lots but looks like I have to do it again. Will definitely try again.. Also I didn't sharpen the image because of those halos..

My reaction was pretty much exactly as per Michael's. I think this needed a set of quick brackets and some blending. Great scene and so difficult to photograph successfully. Good stab at it. Well done.

It is actually a bracketed and blended shot, but I'll have to go back into PS (;