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Andrea Dottesi's picture

My first upload

I hope i like and help me to improve my skill! :)

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Hey Andrea! Welcome!

I love the lead in line and entry point to the photo that the road provides! It really draws me into the photo really well. The house is beautifully hidden in the trees and is really a great subject. The colors and the mood are excellent and really cool. Such a great photo.

You certainly don't need it, since this photo is excellent already, but were you looking for constructive criticism on this photo? You seem to imply you want it, but don't flat out say it. I would only find something to critique if you asked, not because it is a bad photo (since it simply is not)

Thanks you Tyler! I upload my shots only for hear the critics :) I want to improve myself because I can't do what I see on the web :) I've recently found some tutorials here for portraits and a friend help me with landscapes that help me so much!

If u have critics pls tell me! I know that my weakness is found the correct lines and how to let them enter in my photo! You will note that in my future update I think! That's one of my few good shots! :D

Well, my critique would be to zoom in just a bit too cut out the house on the left and the sign on the right. If you're weakness truly is lead in lines, than you are truly improving, since this is a spectacular use of that.

There is the version cropped, with a general warmth increased and a light mooded! Tell me what do you think! I like more this new version :D

Much better! Congrats

Very nice! Good job! I like it very much.

Thanks for posting this image. Tyler said it well. I really like the early morning fog on the farm with the leading line of the driveway and fencing. Congrats and thanks.

Thanks you so much Michale! I hope u follow my future shots :)

Really nice! 5 stars from me. Only thing I might change in post is that blue ... maybe tape (?) from the right side over some of the posts. And possibly also burn that 3 post on the left since its so much brighter than others. I love the mood and composition you were able to capture though :)

I've tryed with a version without blue tape (yes, tape :P ) but IMHO that go to take away some interest from the road...

I've changed what u have told me :) Try to look now

PS: Thanks you so much! :)

This is a great shot. I might have just done a couple of things - but both are just to taste. Given that there is fog, I might have set a more moody tone by applying a graduated filter in post to darken the sky and treeline a bit more. Also, I would have warmed the whole shot up just a bit. Other than that this is a very well composed shot of a great subject. Nice work!

On a reply in first comment U can see a new version also with your recommendations! I think u're right!

I like it. Yes it looks better without the blue tape. I like the lead in drive way. I like the width of the shot, to show the house in it setting, even if that results in the additional building to the left getting included. The light and mist are very nice. I have checked and the house seems to be almost vetical but still it looks to be leaning. I think I would have had some space to the right of the white sign, but I don't know what is beyound the right edge of the photo, do I? I might have cropped the sky a bit and or even included more foreground to emphasise the eleveated plot the house is on. I think the green grass is too rich, very slightly.

Given all the above and the fact I can't crop in stuff not included I have tried to address as many of these admittedly minor issues with my edit attached. It is a compromise as all photos seem to be but it addresses some issues quite well.

I've found your reply really helpfull and I've worked and used (for the first time) the perspective warp! Check it!

PS: Now I think I've reached the top for this shot! :P

Thanks you all!