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Michael Lacy's picture

Lonely Harbor

I'm not sure if this belongs in this group...it is a landscape of sorts...so bare with me. I came across this scene yesterday while walking about Chicago. I was a lone photographer (my wife stayed home) sitting on a hill looking at an empty harbor when this pedestrian comes along just as the tour boat passes in the distance. B&W seems to help capture the feeling. I;d love some CC on how it comes across.

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Hi Mike,
I really like this, but it does my head in a bit! I like the scene a lot and it's a great picture. From that angle, the man in the foreground is necessary to add some interest to the path IMO and this is where my brain splits in twain, he's walking out of the frame and distracting my eye from the horizon where my eyes are naturally trying to go because I want to see where he's going. If he had been staring out to sea I would have been jealous that I hadn't taken it.

That is my dilemma...you nailed it. The frame before this has him looking at his phone faced out to the lake but the ship is behind the pole. I guess I'll fix the pole and call it good. Check it out. Thanks!

So much better!

I did not see the previous version but this is very good, I like it.