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Patrick Luchsinger's picture

Mt Cook

I was inpired by elia locardi for this shot..
Would love to hear your thoughts, especially on the post-processing.. do you think it's to much?

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Nice shot Patrick.

What a great view! The orange warmth of the car lights brings some nice color contrast to the overall image. I think it would be nice to have a cleaner, razor sharp edge to the distant mountains as right now it looks like there is some heavy haloing happening. The sky also looks sort of blotchy towards the mountains. It goes from a deep blue to a lighter blue but then back to a less pleasing grayish darker blue in blotches. The vignetting down the sides of the sky (especially noticeable on the right side) also looks a little strange to me, it would be more pleasing in my eyes if it was limited to only the very top corners. So just refining that particular area where mountains meets the sky is all I see that I would work on. Awesome job!

Thank you for your feedback Ryan! Will definitely go over these areas again.. Looks like I have been a bit lazy with the masks (; Do you think the sky has to be darker for the stars to pop more?

Here the updated Version:
What do you think? Better?