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Cristian Coser's picture

Looking for some CC On My Photo

I am looking for some feedback in this photo, I have taken this photo while on my trip to Patagonia last year and was wondering if there is any more room for improvement.

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I think it's a great composition, and I like it as is.. but.. I also think it would look good with more drama by using a long exposure and smoothing out the water, and most importantly having those clouds streaking through the frame. It looks great!

Thank you very much, much appreciated for the feedback .

I am very much on the darkside these days and am using colour much more strongly than at any time in my career but this is a bit too emphasised, for me. I do like the composition and the lighting but here we have gone beyond more is more and seem to be edging into more is too much. I suppose I would have prefered the camera tilted down a fraction to include more of the darkness at the bottom of the frame and to move the peaks towards the top of the frame, a bit. The sky is stong enough to be worthy of being given some significant weighting so only cropping the top a bit, which would make the mountains seem higher, is called for.

Thank you :)

The sky is too unreal for me. I think its too much saturation. When taking shots with reflections i have seen that perfectly symmetrical shots work very well. Also since the reflection is not so clear i would have loved a longer exposure for the water. Including something in the foreground might have worked well too. I think you can easily step up ur game at this location if you stay there longer and work out the shot.

Fair enough :)

Here's a rendition that I did on your image. Basically I've duplicated the image, applied that same image in Apply Image with Multiply and Red as the chosen color, lowered the opacity, stamped visible and then applied an Orton effect and masked out the mountains.

Love it mate, I will try to replicate this on my copy, much appreciated

I have no idea what Steve is on about but his version does look much much better. Nice one Steve.

Indeed I really like it

I think the sky is a little to hot (over exposed). Also the water would look better with a longer exposure. I would probably have taken two picture, one where I exposed for the sky with a shorter exposure time (as to keep the structure in the sky) and one where I use a longer exposure time to smooth the water. Then I would blend the two in post.