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Ian Wilson's picture

Looking for some crit on my work

Hey, I'm new here and I was wondering if I could get some pointers on how I could improve this shot.

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I don't know how youu might improve this shot., maybe a subtle vigniette but really it is very good. For me it is abit busy but then you had no control over the sky an dthe clouds which combined with the rocks make for a very buy photograph. May be I would have prefered it wider with a bit more space to calm it down but I have no idea what you cropped out and so would then include.

This is very well done.

Thanks, I cropped a small amount off the top and bottom but not really that much. I'll bear that in mind for the future though

There are ways to improve this shot, but they involve post processing techniques, and I'm not sure if you're into modifying your work in that way. For instance, adding interesting light to the lighthouse would be one way of doing that. Also increasing the exposure, or adding interesting light to the rock formations on the left and in the lower foreground might help. For ideas on adding light in this way, check out these photographers. You might also consider making it a black and white shot. I know the colors are intense, but it is kind of busy, and a black and white might tone this down but still communicate its power and drama given the dramatic reddish and orange colors in the shot. Nice work!

http://www.sergeramelliphotos.com/about/ (check out his "The Opera Garnier from the roof the Galerie Lafayette" about half way down the page for how he added light in an intensely backlit photo like yours... see how he used the technique on the opera house to bring it out.)


Thanks, I tried converting it to black and white but I feel like the image wasn't as interesting without the colours. I also tried other things you suggested, they help somewhat but they make the image seem even more busy. It probably just needs re-shooting to fix the busyness problems, looking at the photo now I can see that I probably should have moved the camera slightly higher and shot a little bit wider.