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Conroy Williamson's picture

brooklyn bridge

hey guys I would love to get some CC about this photo i shot a little while back. what do you think?

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Nice view! If you were to shoot this again I'd try and get some space between that foreground light pole and the WTC. I find it distracting how it perfectly lines up with the distant building's edge and is even at the exact same height from this perspective. I can also see some evidence of cloning in the grass on the far right :)

thanks didn't even notice that light pole issue actually. now that you mention it it is really distracting. as far as the cloning on the right side, its funny because that is actually the only side that i didn't clone lol. I should even it out though i wanted to keep the reality of the grass on that side but it is a little distracting.

My bad. There are a couple patches of darker colored grass that look identical.

I have to agree with Ryan. That pole is very distracting. Maybe shoot from the other side of the bridge or higher up, if possible.