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Walker Lambert's picture

Need Help Choosing Between These Two Compositions

Took these shots at Limatour Beach in Point Reyes California. They are both HDR composites. I like the first image because of the sun and the reflection of the water in the distance, But I feel that the second image has a much more powerful foreground. What do you guys think? Would also love some general constructive criticism on the composition and editing. Im always trying to improve and this community has been so kind and helpful, so THANKS!!!

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I like the top one because my eye is drawn to the sun.

ok, thanks!

I think the top one does it for me to Walker.I also like the lit up reflections in the foreground that give a balance to the pic.

Thanks Geoff!

The first one seems more interesting to look at. It keeps my attention longer due to the visible sun and the puddle in the foreground

ok thanks!

Both work for me. :) I would put them next to each other as a diptych.

interesting idea, Thanks!

If you had the foreground from the second picture on the first, it would be ideal. On the second, the sun isn't there any more, but on the first one, I feel like the water in the foreground is distracting from the main subject, which is the sun and its partial reflection. They make parallel lines which don't draw the eye towards the background, while the grasses on the second shot do that.

That was my idea when I took the second shot to have the the grass leading to the horizon. Thanks for the Input!

merge them ...as a stand alone I'm partial to the bottom

Thanks Joseph!

I like the first one best mainly because, as you pointed out, the sun if more visible in the distance. I'd add, too, that the hills on the horizon are much more prominent and lend a sense of calm and serenity.

I agree that the closer view of the hills adds to the image. Thanks for the input!