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Joseph Marc Photography's picture

Suggestions/feedback for this picture

I took this picture the other day, and started editing and touching it up in lightroom. While I like the way it came out, I can't help but fell that something is lacking or missing in the picture.

Any suggestions, feedback, or tips as to what it may be missing or am I just overanalyzing it?

Thanks in advance

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If I had to base it on your portfolio, and I could totally be wrong, it doesn't seem to match the style of the shots there - natural color, distinct subjects, minimal distractions. The biggest variance here is I feel that this one is too warm. I do like how the trees draw you into the picture but because of the way the bridge is shadowed I don't feel it's as strong a focal point as it could be.

Thanks Bruce! The warmth is something I considered, and see if cooling it down helps out...and you are absolutely correct, it is different from most of my other pictures.I’m working on branching out into things I’m a little less comfortable/experienced with, and one of those things is busier photos.

Again, thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it!

You're welcome! Good luck branching out!

Hi Joey, and good on you for experimenting and putting it out there for others' opinions.

I agree with Bruce, and my immediate reaction was "over-processed", something I'm accused of myself. It's a very contrasty image, and there's an unnaturalness about the sunny centre. It can be useful to post the SOOC image as well, so people can see what you've done with it, possibly seeing alternative approaches to processing.

I note that a lot of the trunks & branches are maximum black with no preserved detail. I think (not sure) that less contrast, with more discernible detail in the shady foreground, might make the image more appealing, as there's a harshness about it. To be honest, I can't pinpoint the reason for that reaction, but suspect it's to do with contrast extremes. As a general rule, featureless black doesn't work well in photographic images, apart from obvious silhouettes.

Thanks Chris....I’ll post the raw file when I get back home this evening.

Really appreciate the feedback!

I went ahead and did a complete reset, and rested the urge to overdo the warmth (which i tend to have a habit of doing, probably from when i was using my cell phone to edit photos)...

The first picture is the new edit, the second is the original...I still feel it's lacking something, and it could be the bridge just isn't a strong enough focal point to contend with the busyness of the trees.

I went back and touched it up one last time by adding some brightness to the bottom edge of the bridge...I feel this helped make it stand out just a little more.... This may be one of those photos that i have to take a step back from and come back to it later.

Joey, as the original poster you can post more images, like the RAW file or anything you like, at left. That way viewers can scroll directly between them.

You can also edit the text, and anyone can always delete what they've posted at right under Comments. Just remember to edit the text if necessry in case the changes confuse new viewers.

I suggest you do this with your edits & original before you get too many repsonses, and delete the posts on this side.