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Ryan Mense's picture

Introduce Yourself

Hey everyone, welcome to the Landscape and Nature Photography group!

Feel free to introduce yourself here... where you're from, your background in photography, what you're carrying in your camera bag, an interesting place you've recently photographed or look forward to photographing in the future, photographers that inspire you, whatever you want to share.

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Since everyone else is being shy. Hi everyone, I am Johnny Graham, I hail from Scotland and my background and introduction to photography very much arose from being brought up around some of the amazing scenery in the Highlands of Scotland and wanting to document it to share with friends back down in the city. Fast forward down the years and I'm a landscape obsessed tog who has somehow been coerced into working full time as a portrait and wedding photographer in a family ran studio. Recently returned from Namibia where I had the good fortune to be the official adventure photographer on the Namib550 expedition tracking two Scottish ultra runners running some 500k+ through the immensely photographic Namib Desert for 10 days. Workhorse cameras I use are the Nikon D700 and D800. Plus I have a wee Fujifilm X-E1 I am very much attached too when I'm out walking the dog. Looking forward to planning my involvement in an expedition to Mongolia in the near future!

Hi Im Ryan, Im a Filipino but living in Kuala Lumour, Malaysia. Im a full time engineer by profession and a serious hobbyist in photography. I love landscapes and cityscapes. Im an HDR/DRI addict and digital blending freak. I wish to learn more about landscape photography. I hope you guys can guide. Feel free to CC my work.

Iam from argentina
I enjoy to much in cordillera de los andes between Argentina and chile

Hi everyone, my name is Philip and I live in south west Sweden. I'm fairly new to photography but it's getting quite serious. For a living work with wind turbines. I hope I can contribute with som good looking pictures!

Hi everyone, I'm from the San Francisco area. I've been shooting more seriously for a couple of years. I shoot with a Sony A7r currently. I've recently shot in the high mountains of Peru. Currently looking to shoot seascapes in CA.

Hey everyone! My name is Ryan and I'm from Georgia. I've been a photographer for around 15 years. I started as a photojournalist for 12 years and for the last 3 I've worked in PR. I do weddings and corporate work on the side but my passion in landscape and architectural photography. I'm a Canon shooter and I'm always looking for a way to try something new. This is my latest experiment. It's my first try showing the same scene throughout a few hours. I need to work on the transitions a bit and it would have been better on a clearer day, but I'm happy with this for a first time.

Hi guys, I'm Stefano from Italy, and I love portraits, reportage and landscapes. I think that travelling is important and it is a great experience, but also very close to us we can find beautiful scenaries. This is two km by bycicle from my home.

Hello everybody!
I'm Alexis Dubois, from France.
I'm a full time mechanical engineer in passive safety (simulations of crash-tests) and photographer since I'm 15 years old. I only shoot wildlife (landscapes, mammals, birds, etc).
I travel a lot (in France) and a few in the rest of the world but you will perhaps see some Iceland and Norway pictures from me ;)
In my backpack, I have a Nikon D3s and a Nikon D800E, with Nikon lenses 14-24 f/2.8, 16-35 f/4 and 200-400 f/4.
As an introduction, here's a nighttime self-portrait taken at 2590m in front of a french alpine mountain called "Le Brec de Chambeyron"

hi, this is stephen from australia. i'm just starting as commercial photographer. although landscape photography is not my forte, the art & science of light does intruding me.

nice article, Ryan.

Hey everyone! My name is Sky and I'm for Atlanta, Georgia. I'm about to graduate from my university and planning on possibly moving to Alaska to expand my photography. I have driven cross country and shot landscapes while cruising down the street and have flown to Germany to photograph the alps. I'm a canon user and looking for anything I can do to better my photography.

Hello! My name is Justin. I'm 36 years old and I have just recently begun my obsession with photography. I live in Alaska and have a two week on and two week off work schedule which allows me to spend a lot of quality time with my cameras (when I'm not spending it with my children). I have been shooting a Nikon D600 since it came out but this year I have committed myself to B&W film. 35mm and medium format. I am learning the developing and enlarging process. I used to have a garage attached to my house, now it is a darkroom lol! Can't get enough. I am preparing to start a project on dramatic black and white Alaskan beachscapes (not sure if that's a thing but you know what I mean). I am also planning a trip to Denali NP and the Brooks range this summer. Can't wait to get started.

Hi my name is David Patterson and I live in the UK and originally from Liverpool. I like most types of photography but mostly birds or nature images. I look forward to seeing everybody images and learning from them.

Hello Guys,

to Introduce myself, I'm from Germany and for me photography is my Passion and just a hobby.
I start to shoot 7 years ago...

Most time is used 500px as my platform to share my work but I discovered fstoppers a few month ago and I`m really impressed about the Information's I got and also about the kind People :)

So I shoot from Landscape through People and everything I got in front of my lens.
English isn't my best language so I'm going to improve it with reading and following English photographers :)

Thanks for reading and good light....


I’m based in Raleigh, NC and love traveling, planning trips, and visiting new places. I really enjoying the American West even though I’m based in NC. About once a year an extended trip goes from simply being plans to being a non-stop adventure.

When I’m not planning or shooting give me the outdoors, F1, live music, or a good book and I’ll be happy.

Regarding equipment... "Gear is good, vision is better" -David duChemin-




Howzit everyone! Im from Oahu, Hawaii and have been shooting for almost 2 years now. I haven't had any traditional training in photography (except from the University of YouTUBE). I shoot with a Sony a7, old Minolta lenses, ND Throttle adapter and other budget photography equipment.
I used to skateboard on the other side of the lens, then decided to start shooting skating since the knees aren't working as they used to. I work a full time job as a Refrigerant tech and Since becoming a new father I hardly find myself out skating or shooting it on my free time but rather more at the beach or on hikes with my wife and daughter. I do this as a hobby and am here to learn more about the art so i can further my new found obsession of shooting landscapes, my family and everything in between.

Since this was bumped recently, I think I have to take the opportunity and introduce myself here too :D

Name is obviously Bill ( duh! ), I'm part American/part Greek and currently located in a small town in the suburban area of Athens, Greece ( Europe ).
Being a landscape photographer here is tough, there's nothing really interesting nearby, every kind of worthwhile landscape is at least 200km ( 125 miles ) away at best.
Most of my and my partner Andrew's trips are at least a good 6 hours drive away ( 12 hours total trip ).

What I'm carrying in my... BAGS is probably unheard of.
I usually go out with a total payload of 20kg ( 40lbs ).

I just came back from a trip to Santorini, which gave us mediocre results, the skies refused to feature some clouds and despite the late arrival at the borderline of what they call "high season" in Santorini the island was full of tourists, something that gave us lots of troubles since we couldn't set up our tripods in the desired locations.

I guess next time we'll go there in early May or in October.

Next trip is planned already and the destination of course is the beautiful region of Italy called Tuscany!

See you guys out there!

Hi, I am a Norwegian, living in south east Norway, some 30 minutes drive outside Oslo. I have always had some interest in photography, ever since I got my first Kodak Instamatic as a 10 year-old, almost 40 years ago. Moving through film based compacts and SLRs I tried to develop my eye over the years, but I was always mostly a family and holiday shooter. And with having to wait for the developed pictures to arrive and no exif info, progress was slow.

Enter the 21st century, and I got my first digital compact camera in 2005. Now I could take more pictures, and look at them and learn from them immediately. And even do magic with them on the computer! So I started to learn faster than I forgot things. About 3 years ago I bought my first DSLR, a Canon 550D that I still use. After that I have starting to take my photography more seriously, going out more often just to take pictures, often planning first what to shoot. I also have been an eager student at University of Youtube, learning from a variety of masters, like Trey Ratcliff, Elia Locardi, Mike Browne and Varina and Jay Patel to name just a few of them.

As for post production and software, I have never owned Photoshop or Lightroom. For the last ten years I have been a Linux addict, so Gimp has been my Photoshop, and after I stared to shoot RAW, Darktable quickly became my RAW developer of choice. I manage well with them, especially since I am using the developer version of Gimp, which supports 16 and 32 bit tiff files. My digital toolbox also contains stuff like Hugin for panoramas, Macrofusion for realistic HDR and I recently bought Neat Image for noise reduction.

My goal is to make nature and landscape images that remind us of the beauty of nature, but not necessarily to show it exactly "as is". Therefore I sometimes "bend" the reality a bit by removing disturbing elements, blend exposures from different moments in time or usin HDR tecniques to expand the dynamic range. I could elaborate a lot about my thoughts, but I don't think this is the place.

One last thing. I have this strange belief that beauty is all around us, all you have to do is look for it, then you'll find it, and you don't have to go to all those spectacular places that have been photographed "to death". Therefore I have started this personal project to see if I can manage to take great images in my local area, which actually isn't that great. No fjords, no mountains or great waterfalls. Just farmland, forest and some not so gorgeous lakes. Two of my portfolio images here at Fstoppers are from that project including the one below.

Hi everybody, my name is Piotr,total amateur from Oklahoma City area.Photography for me is some kind of therapy.I've been doing photography since i can remember,start it in early 80's.I do prefer landscape and travel type of photography.I'm open to any kind of criticism,want to learn how much i can.Currently i use Nikon D600,yes the infamous oil spitting device.Also i do own Tamron SP 15-30mm f/2.8 Di VC USD ,Nikkor 85mm 1.8,Nikkor 50mm 1.8,and Nikkor 35-70 2.8