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Leo Litvac's picture

Recent work what do u think guys!

A natural light portrait would love to hear some thoughts, thanks!
the link to the image

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A beautifully lit shot, making her beauty radiate. A simple and elegant approach, well executed.

Your framing, use of light and chosen POV combined with her hair, make-up, the colour palette all pull this together so well. The only thing I would change is thet just benieth the tip of her nose there appears to be a mole or spot, half visible. Now I would not normally remove a mole, reduce it maybe but not remove. However, because it is half visible and no one could argue that removing it from this particular shot would in any way make her look different, I would remove it. Giving the impression to those who know her that it was lost behind her nose. No harm or offense, just improvement.

Very pleased to have your thought, I'm glad you liked it, about the mole, it's actually a scar and I didn't want to remove it in order not to offend the model, although I now I should remove it, thank you very much!

Great Shot . love the lighting and colors.

Thanks for taking you time viewing it.

Well done, I think it looks fantastic. I would agree with Ian and remove the mole that is sneaking out from the tip of her nose. I might also clean up a few of the fly-aways but that is just my personal thing. Nicely done!

Thanks for taking you time viewing it. Look at Ian's response to see why there's a mole!

Beautiful portrait.
