YouTuber and self-proclaimed "all around cool guy" Casually Explained offers an explainer about any and all types of photography. If you're a wildlife photographer, macro photographer, high school yearbook photographer, or micro photographer (that's a new one for me), then what you do is explained within the video above in great, hand-drawn detail.
The artist explains practical ways to make money in photography, whether that's selling your gear or shooting video for someone's Only Fans site. Practical and useful tips all around.
If you're looking to make more professional photos, the video adds, it's key to spend the money on full frame sensors with big lenses that can create shallow depth of field, where the background is blurry while the subject is in sharp focus. These are the kinds of photos that cell phones just can't really do well. But Midjourney can.
The video spends a bit of time talking about wildlife photography, akin to the type you see in National Geographic. And while it's easy to lampoon the photographer spending time in a cage in the freezing arctic, it is a true point that half the battle of photography is just being there with a camera in hand.
There's even some advice thrown in about pricing here, something I've often struggled with. More or less, it's an inverse relationship: charging a client more means the job will likely be easier than if you had charged the client less. Strangely, I often find this advice to be true.
All kidding aside, there's actually a fair amount of technical explanation of photography here that's easy to understand. If you've ever wanted to understand what some genres of photography actually entail, you could do worse than start with this (literal) joke of a video.
I think they should update that video to reflect the "mirrorless" evolution and not DSLR. LOL