If Camera Brands Were People

Likely the most controversial topic in the photography world is which camera brand is best. What if you took those brands and personified them into a conversation with each other?

This hilarious parody piece from Mango Street will put a smile on your face no matter what brand of camera you use. In a polarizing world where everyone has a specific opinion on the best choice, it's nice that we, as photographers, can all come together and not take things so seriously sometimes. As a Canon shooter for most of my career, I felt they very accurately described my experience out in the world. It's a fun reminder that life doesn't have to be so serious all the time and to not take brand affection so personally. 

If I were to add another personality in here, it would be the film shooter who complains about film prices, scanning processes, and how important the tactile feel of a physical medium is. Maybe even throw in how only true artists cannot review their photos and that the best camera ever made comes from decades of use.

If you were to make this video yourself, what would you do differently? Did they miss any quips or personality traits you experience excessively within the different camera ecosystems?

Alex Armitage's picture

Alex Armitage has traveled the world to photograph and film some of the most beautiful places it has to offer. No matter the location, perfecting it's presentation to those absent in the moment is always the goal; hopefully to transmute the feeling of being there into a visual medium.

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Ok this was actually really funny

To be serious, it really is a matter of which brand YOU like best - and not everyone is the same.

But the video was supposed to be funny...

No serious. Only funny

That doesn't come close to the text Zack Arias published back on 22 March 2013.
Zack Arias published a "review" of the Fuji X100s, picturing camera manufacturers as people in a bar.
It's no longer on Zack Arias webpage, but it can still be found on web[dot]archive[dot]org.
PS: full disclosure: I'm a Fuji-fan-boy 😊.

I'm a fuji/ Nikon fanboy. Now where's my tripod?

It's funny yet fairly accurate!