chris hurst's picture

Bluebird Pair

A pair of Eastern Bluebirds stretch out their wings showing off some of their beautiful details and colors. It's rare to see both of the bluebirds sitting together with no food in their mouths. They are very busy hunting to feed their young. For a while they were like clockwork coming with a snack every 10 minutes or so.

It was slightly overcast when this was captured, while the shutter speed was fast enough to freeze the motion of the wings, the light was soft enough no to create any harsh shadows on the birds.

I was roughly 30 feet from the birds and the trees in the background were about 100 feet past the birds. By creating a much larger distance from the birds (subject) to the background compared to the distance from camera to subject the background stayed pleasantly blurred even at f/8 aperture setting.

ISO 800 - ƒ/8 - 1/640s - 600mm - Tripod and Gimbal - Natural Lighting

Fort Snelling State Park in Bloomington, Minnesota on 6-18-2014 at 1:30 PM

Canon 7D
600mm · f/8.0 · 1/640s · ISO 800
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1 Comment

a tighter crop to a square or a vertical would not hurt this photo.