Melissa Avey's picture

Don't Be Late

I was taking pictures of the flower girls and they were acting silly so the time was getting a bit close. I told them we were going to be late so they booked it back to the house. Caught this image and a few other sweet ones on our run back :)

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what a great capture, has an essence of tranquility nicely done what were you'r settings on this

I like the image but the reproduction is very compressed, with lots of artifacts making it hard to get a sens of the quality. I suspect it is pretty good but I can only score it on what I see. So this time I have marked it much lower than the other single voter, 2 stars rather than his 4 stars. If the reproduced quality were high enough for me to see the quality of your work I might well agree with the 4 star appraisal.

A moment of fun, on a wedding day which is such a special and exciting occassion for a little bridesmaid, beautifully photographed capturing the whole wonderful spirit of the day to this little girl.

A delicate moment in time - she'll look back fondly on this