Dmitriy Glazyrin's picture

Indian post

Hey guys i really enjoy the course Narrative Concept Art of Jama Jurabaev and Gerard Dunleavy, and I had to do my homework for the first week and I haven't finished it yet, yes I know i'm not a perfect student. Buut i'm doing it and yesterday i did one very simple sketch and i don't know why but i liked it and today during my morning coffe i was composing some photos together and attached the result. I hope you like it)
Proces is here https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/hd/e4cdbc34603257.56d6...

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Oh it must be a stock site you use since there is no way you had taken these images of the Indians/horses/TP

Wonderfully created image Dmitriy. I really like that you show your process, something we can all learn from.