This was taken during my first Milky Way photo session. It was towards the end of my shoot, and I decided it would be fun to try and capture a self portrait, while shining my new flashlight to the stars. ( I realize this is all over Instagram, but I didn't care!) So I got all of my settings in order, did a delayed shutter, and ran out to pose. Once I heard the shutter click, I raised my arms over my head, as if I were raising a light saber, Jedi-style, and turned on the flashlight, only to realize I hadn't taken it out of the plastic container! I didn't leave that pose until the exposure ended. While running back to see the results on my camera screen, I thought that the plastic container on the flashlight would have ruined the image, but, I was wrong. It spread the light across the sand in such a perfect way. Aside from some minor color and contrast adjustments in Lightroom, I haven't done much to this photo. I still have and use that plastic flashlight container for shots like this to this day.
Really beautiful!
Thank you!