
High school football promo shot

85mm · f/8.0 · 1/1000s · ISO 500
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Amazing shot!

don't get me wrong, the lighting is nice, post is edgy, but the composition is kinda sloppy

Care to elaborate?

I'm not sure about the position of the players. If that was an action shot than fair play, you capture the action. But if that was planned image than I don't like the field lights behind the players. Also I would like to see a bit of the field as well, missing legs of the players. Don't get me wrong, it's a great image.

I agree! This is a semi staged action shot (the player really jumped). I made the choice to shoot it with a few imperfections so it would look more like I took the shot in an actual game. I have a shot where the field is in the shot and I felt like it took away from the spontaneous in the moment feel this shot had. Thank you for the feedback, it is much appreciated!

Thanks man, I didn't want to sound as a pixel-peeping troll :)

Not at all! The first thing any photographer should learn is that there is always ways to improve and grow. I appreciate and treasure good critiques! Thanks for making me a better artist my friend!

Amazing shot! Your work as a whole is stunning. I think the only thing that would have taken this shot a little further for me is if the guys actually looked like they were trying to tackle him instead of just bending down. Maybe a little more arm aggression into the mix. But thats just being nit picky since the shot is pretty darn great as it is. Glad I found your work...very inspiring.

Thank you sir! I agree! You should have seen me telling them "I need more action!!" HAHA! They will tackle the crap out of the other team, but they can't help but to go soft on one of their own. Thanks again for the comment!

Excellent concept - fairly well executed. But there is one significant oversight. All of the players are on the same team. If only the defenders' uniforms were a different color than the offensive player's uniform...perhaps a color correction layer in Photoshop would help sell the fiction.