Walter Lodzinski's picture

“There’s daggers in men’s smiles.”

This image was captured in a small studio in a small town in upstate NY. It was the first time I had worked with a whole team in a studio setting and I was unsure of what to expect. A friend of mine asked if I wanted to rent some studio time and collaborate. We brought lights and tons of gear. There were sets, props, and endless possibilities. This image however was taken between setups and was only lit from a single window on an overcast day.

I am very proud of this image and I’ve held it for a while without sharing. A lot of other people’s valuable time went into making this shot happen. A lot of my time went into making it what I envisioned, and a lot of my feelings about photography changed after this shoot. I was a very selfish photographer. It’s my passion, it’s my creative outlet, and it’s all I have. After watching people come together (unpaid) just to create and to watch something magical happen I was almost brought to tears. I’m very grateful that my friend suggested this and am very grateful for the talented group of women we got to work alongside.

Just a whole room full of music and art...

In collaboration with @jeffwelt

Model: @maren.jpg
Makeup: @fairladiibeautician
Design: @angelixs_relixs


Natural Light
Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 85 1.2 II

ISO 400

Canon 5D Mark III
85mm · f/2.0 · 1/400s · ISO 400
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