Awesome shot, love the composition and the light is perfect. Why shoot in f1? Did you use filters? Personally, I'd have stopped down to 11 or 16 to push that DoF all the way through the frame to get the lighthouse and sky in focus.
Is not the lighthouse and sky on focus, really? look well hahahha actually the settings come out are not right only the exposure. I use a manual lens so the settings are not write on de file. I shot on f9 this shot ISO 100 and I have not lens with aperture f1 that will be awesome for astro photography hehe
preciosa amigo. me encanta
Thanks a lot my david
La perfección hecha fotografía!
wow thank you so much for your kind words my friend
Me parece una auténtica gozada esta foto Jabi
Thank you so much Daniel
Espectacular amigo!
Muchisimas gracias tio
Ohh que bien se ve por aqui! una chulada Jabi
Mejor que en instgram, no? jejeje
Beautiful work Jabi!
Thanks a lot
Espectacular el dinamismo que da el mar!
Gracias me alegra mucho que te guste
Thank you so much
Esta para encuadrar, se sale!!
Gracias tio pues i igual algun dia para el salón de casa. Ah pero si no tengo salon jajaja
Awesome shot, love the composition and the light is perfect. Why shoot in f1? Did you use filters? Personally, I'd have stopped down to 11 or 16 to push that DoF all the way through the frame to get the lighthouse and sky in focus.
edit - spelling
Is not the lighthouse and sky on focus, really? look well hahahha actually the settings come out are not right only the exposure. I use a manual lens so the settings are not write on de file. I shot on f9 this shot ISO 100 and I have not lens with aperture f1 that will be awesome for astro photography hehe
Gran foto! Enhorabuena Jabi 🤟🏼
Gracias amigo. Viste la ultima que subi a IG de Baikal Lake?
Nice but over processed. You fall to the same temptations as myself.
thanks for your opinion but yeah is your opinion
my dude, that's incredible peaceful! Love it!
Thanks a lot man
Thank you so much
Well done.
Thanks a lot