Brett Seeley's picture


I shoot primarily fitness. Up until this year I shot mainly in gyms and outdoor locations. Fitness and gyms go hand in hand. As I'm sure many of you can sympathize with- after shooting similar shots over and over (there are only so many ways to shoot a pull up) my brain started going into cruise control. I felt as if my clients were getting less than 100% of my full attention. That caused me to look at my clients in a more creative way.

Fine art!

I wanted to shoot something that lasted more than two days on social media. I wanted an image that someone would want to proudly hang in their living room. Fortunately for me, muscles and lighting go great together!

This shot involved a very fit couple preparing to go compete at a national fitness competition. They wanted something that documented their hard work-- as well as something that they could show their parents.

I built a platform (which evidently could have been wiped off a bit more) and had them grease themselves up. There's one Einstein overhead with a large Octo on a boom- and two Einsteins behind them with strips.

I hope you enjoy the image! If you'd like to see more please check out
caution- NSFW

Canon 5D MKIII
70 · f/22 · 1/200 · ISO 100
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Love the muscle tone you were able to bring out. Nice shot.

Thanks so much John!


Thank you Andrew!

Sorry- totally a newbie-- what do I do? (so sorry... clueless)

Read the article it will tell you what to do.

Thank you!

Absolutely gorgeous!

mind Blowing
