david huguet's picture

Waterfall (Aerochrome film-like rendering)

This is an attempt. I have always loved the Aerochrome rendering, which gives a different view of the things around us. The aerochrome injects an unexpected softness into sometimes harsh, even warlike atmospheres (cf. the work of Richard Moss, http://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/12/16/magazine/ congo-color.html).
The landscape I present here is that of the Ray Pic waterfall, a steep and remote place. This waterfall finds its way and cuts very hard basalt flows. Most of the time, this place is in the dark. By working only with the colors of the vegetation and obtaining an Aerochrome film-like rendering, my objective was to inject a contrast between the plant life and the inert, cold rock mass.

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