Gary Quay's picture

Farm Lane in Eastern Oregon Surrounded by Wheat Fields

We had a chance to get out into Terra Incognito in early June amid the pandemic. We went out to support some business owners we know in the Parkdale, Oregon area, and took the opportunity to have a nice drive. We ended up in Sherman County where this lovely scene presented itself. It was one of the bluest skies I have seen.

I love the rolling hills of the eastern Columbai Gorge, and nearby areas, especially Wasco and Sherman Counties. This area is known as the “rainshadow”. It’s where the Cascade Mountains to the west wring the moisture out of the clouds, and the landscape becomes continually dryer as you continue east. Despite the clouds in this picture, this is a semi-arid landscape. Even in early June, it’s dry enough that the grass in the foreground is dried because it was not irrigated.

Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: 24-85mm Nikon

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