Jimmy Arcade's picture

Arterial Luminance

This image of desert mud tiles, which recede back to somewhat of a vanishing point, was captured in Death Valley. The uniquely-shaped mud formations were discovered amidst a large group of sand dunes, at the base of two opposing dunes.

This is single shot taken on a trip. I manually converted the image to black-and-white, in Lightroom. I did some dodging and burning, in Photoshop, to help direct the viewer's eye to the background and adjusted colors and tones with masked adjustment layers; including levels and curves adjustments.

This is a very meaningful image for me, as it represents the hope I feel we must hold onto during these times of upheaval and uncertainty.

In these dark and seemingly heartless times, arteries of light penetrate the darkness, forming pathways to millions of luminescent hearts, which, in turn, pump the lifeblood of love and hope into the world.

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fantastic composition. you composed this frame beautifully and the black and white conversion was done very smartly. I love the textures, leading lines and light play. well done!

Beautiful picture!