David Garthwaite's picture

London Apartments

A set of apartments on the river in London in a fine art style

20mm · f/2.0 · 1/125s · ISO 400
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thanks man

Your extraordinary pictures even change my way of watching. Usually when I find a photografer, whose work amazes me, I try to find as many pix of them as possible and devour them one by one, to then return often or rarely. In you case, I stopped looking at your pictures just after having seen about 5. Now, an hour or so later I am back to experience the next one. These London
Appartements here. YOur picture finds me trapped, stiff with amazement, mesmerized. And I know, I won´t want to see any other picture after it. Most likely somewhen much, much later. But for now, this is the one picture I´ll ever need to see. Thank you, your work is magic.

very very nice of you, thanks so much!!