Kyle Foreman's picture

Red Tree

This tree is right outside of my house and had some gorgeous light shining on it. I thought this would be a great time to practice with the "in the round" technique made famous by Pep Ventosa. This was only my 2nd time trying this but I think this came out pretty well. This tree wasn't the greatest subject with the road an other houses in the background but I don't think they ended up being too distracting. I'm having a lot of fun experimenting with this technique. Would love to know what you think.

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Hey Kyle, great attempt. I'd be interested to know how many images you took for this.

Trees that are not uniform as you circle always provide a challenge - you either take layer many angles and perhaps lose definition in the limbs, or take few and live with the evidence of supporting elements.

Thanks Alan. I don’t remember how many photos I took for this. I took it last spring. I want to say in the 20-30 range. I personally think this is my best ITR attempt so far. One mistake I seem to make every time I try this is not taking enough photos! All we have here in NC are ununiform trees haha! I made another attempt on a funky tree at jockey’s ridge in the outer banks last week. I haven’t had a chance to edit it yet though. If it comes out “ok” I’ll probably post it to your group.