I wasn't sure this was going to work but I think it came out better than expected. I don't know what I did wrong to get little small gaps in my star trails besides not using a remote shutter instead of my internal intervalometer. The internal intervalometer on the Sony a7iii has to have at least a 1 second delay. Using a remote shutter there isn't a delay. Thats my best guess any way. This was also my first time trying star trails with a telephoto. This was shot at 600mm in my backyard.
I kept the camera in the same place and waited for the moon to move out of frame then started my trail shots. I only did about 30mins for the trails. Then blended back in the moon into the trail shot. Might have to try this again sometime.
Kyle, great and great lesson learned and shared. You wouldn't think the 1sec delay would be so apparent with star trails probably also due to the magnification of 600mm. What's the rule with magnification everything is exaggerated camera shake, subject movement.
Well their will be other lunar eclipses, and I'd say you're off to a great start. You exceeding with your creativity!
“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.” - Albert Einstein
Thanks Paul! I've done star trails before with the internal intervalometer and they came out fine. But yeah, I'm sure it has to do with it being shot at 600mm. I was thinking about going inside and getting my cable release but it was like 4am and I was done with being up haha! I also wasn't sure this was going to work as intended but it did. Next time I will know what to do. I also don't understand why the internal intervalometer has to have at least a 1 sec delay. So annoying.
I think this image is AMAZING! Really love that you chose to do this with a telephoto lens. And you figured out some things to try the next time there is a lunar eclipse! (We were in Iceland and planned a shoot but the clouds didn't cooperate.). Keep up the great work!
Thank you! I was worried about the clouds as well but it worked out here.