Four shot panorama.
"The community of Rome in Malheur County received its name from the imposing nearby formations of fossil-bearing clay that look like Roman ruins. The 100-foot high formations, which are also known as the “Pillars of Rome,” measure about five miles long and two miles wide."*
Dean, wonderful black & white image of an intriguing formations, I have photographed a similar area in between Kanab, UT and Page, AZ. Now I’ll have to do some resource to see if possible they are related geologically.
Last year we drove to Tucson via Mesquite, AZ, and this year will be Beaver, UT through Winslow, so that will take us right through your route.
Thank you for the heads up.
Dean if you'd like more info enable PM
It helps when you click >save<
I thought it was turned on months ago!