Hugo Valle's picture

"Among Tulips"

Last year I was lucky enough to be able to visit Belgium and the Netherlands in all their spring splendor. At the end of April, Unai and I took the van and crossed France in one day to reach Belgium, where we enjoyed the Hallerbos forest and some places covered with the white flower of wild garlic. But the burst of color impressed us when we set foot in the tulip fields of Holland; A whole palette of colors, different, striking, simply incredible. It was the main reason for the trip, to photograph the tulips in their bloom, and there we were, enjoying good sunsets and sunrises at the foot of the fields.
I would have liked to return this year, but other plans have occupied my schedule; but maybe next year I will see this spectacle of the Dutch spring again.

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Fantastic Work. I will be following you to view some of your iconic views.

Thanks a lot Gary

Nice photo