Celia Sanchez Abian's picture

Small tsunami

This small phenomenon often occurs in the fishing village of Tazones (Asturias-Spain), when the tides are high. When the wave arrives, it enters through the small bridge on the left of the photo, which is where the fishermen board their small artisanal fishing boats. The water sometimes reaches the centre of the village.

Nikon D90
17 mm apsc · f/13 · 1/160 · ISO 800
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Do the waves repeatedly come in like this, or just one once in awhile?
I've seen videos of "sneaker waves" in Oregon, very scary!
I'm glad you had the high ground for this shot!

Hello Frank.
Unfortunately, this happens especially when there are
very strong storms. When this happens and high tides come together, the waves reach the centre of the town. The police usually close off the most affected part of the town for safety reasons. In another town on the Asturian coast, called Cudillero, the gale and waves swept away 90 metres of breakwater, leaving the fishing port
without safety cover for fishing boats.
Nature is impressive.
Thank you very much for your comment and like.
Receive my warmest regards, Frank
Oviedo (Spain)