Christopher May's picture


Canon KISS X4, w/Sigma 50mm lens
• umbrella, above camera center

This was one only my second time shooting with off camera flash and modifier. The "model" is not a model, but yet another friend kind enough to let me shoot her... We spent the day trying any number of set-ups and poses--she was amazingly patient with me. Although we tried more full body poses, her being a self-admitted tomboy and me being inexperienced in direction, we switched gears and tried a few beauty type shots. This one, using her hair as an additional prop, turned out so nicely--we were both really excited by this image. In hindsight, the only knit-pick is that although her eyes were in focus, the detail on her lips is a bit soft. Had I had more experience at the time, I would have gone for f.8 or similar... Still, I love this image as it really did wonders for bolstering my confidence in photography.

Canon Kiss X4
50mm · f/5.6 · 1/200s · ISO 100
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