Tyler Mitchell's picture

Round Pond, ME // No. 2

These panoramas are an excerpt of the body of work I created for my senior thesis show for my recent graduation from the New Hampshire Institute of Art. The whole body of work was titled, "Quiddity." Below is a small portion of the artist statement I used to describe the work.

"Photography is a way for me to build tangible memories out of all the different moments I will experience in my lifetime. I feel as if by looking at my reality in the form of an object—these unpremeditated slices of the world—it somehow makes it seem palpable. Happiness is just relative, it’s the memory that we create of an experience we’ve had. Your memory controls your experiences and your experiences control your memories. Like the anticipated memories of my future still to come; the memories captured in my body of work have become the experiences. I feel that these pieces have captured the inherent nature and essence of my happiness—my photography."

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