Recent Composite Articles

Is the Huion Kamvas Pro 27 the Ultimate Tool for Digital Artists?

As creatives, we rely on our tools not just to keep up with our ideas but to enhance and streamline the creative process. The Huion Kamvas Pro 27 aims to be that kind of tool—a professional pen display that blends cutting-edge technology with thoughtful design catering to professionals across various disciplines. Whether you’re an illustrator sketching intricate designs, a photographer editing your images, or an artist bringing your creations to life, the Kamvas Pro 27 promises to deliver.

The Biggest Tool Photographers Aren’t Using in Their Creative Work

Have you been taking the same images with slight variations over the last few years? Have you seen new technologies shake up the photography world, yet largely kept your distance from them? Today, the esteemed Kristina Sherk from Shark Pixel shares with us one such tool that can revamp the work you've been putting out. Following her tutorial written for us below, I decided to try it out myself. I encourage you to break out of your comfort zone, give it a try, and share your photos with us in the comments.

Can You Recreate Hollywood’s Movie Scenes Using Toys?

Watching Back To The Future as a kid, I always wanted to recreate the flame line scene after the DeLorean hits 88 mph. In my photography career, I have yet to come across one that works and has a Mr. Fusion. YouTuber Sirdork has beaten me to the punch by using toys.

Playing with Hot Wheels, I always remember staring deep into the vehicle to look at the smallest details. At an older age, I look back and wonder why someone would ever spend that much time making a steering wheel look so real, especially something that would likely fall victim to a child wielding a hammer...

The Perfect Canvas: We Review the Huion Kamvas Pro 13 2.5K

Designed for professional artists, graphic designers, and digital creators, the Huion Kamvas Pro 13 2.5K is a digital drawing pen display with some impressive features, and exceptional performance and all at a very affordable price. Whether you are one of the aforementioned or simply trying to streamline and find a pen display that has a whole host of features to suit your budget, this might just be the one for you.

Photoshop's Generative Fill: This Will Change Everything

The lead image doesn't exist. Well, it does now, but it is a sum of two photographic parts aided by Photoshop's new Generative Fill AI. The mountains in the background exist but not in their entirety. Stobb Coirre doesn't exactly look like this, as tiny parts are generated. My two dogs never pose for photographs.
How to Photograph Small Rooms on a Yacht

In this video tutorial, I'm going to show you how I photographed the bedrooms on a $12 million yacht. Although the rooms are large for a boat, they are very small compared to your average bedroom.

Photoshop Compositing: Supercharge Your Images

Compositing in Photoshop comes in many forms, from product and portrait enhancement to fantasy-style images. Every digital artist will have their own workflow, as there are many different ways to get the final results.

We Review The Infinite Texture Plugin: With 70,000 Images Files, You Can't Go Wrong

As a digital artist, being able to easily get your hands on overlays and effects for your images can sometimes be a costly experience and, at times, not provide you with enough scope of selections for your edits. One of the plugins I have in my collection is Infinite Texture, which provides a whole host of editing possibilities, from simple sky replacement to more complex edits.

Think Outside the Box With Luminar Neo

Now in its seventh year and incarnation as Luminar Neo, Skylum's editing software can fit the needs of some photographers as a standalone app or as a plugin for Photoshop and Lightroom. But what if you want to push the limits of your creativity with it? That's when you have to think outside of the box.

We Review Oniric Glow, a Digital Artist's Dream Plugin

There are many ways to create a glow effect in Photoshop using layers and blending modes. What if you could do it in a fraction of the time and get even better results? Would you be interested?

Are Photos Supposed to Show Reality?

In this video, MIT Associate Professor Ramesh Raskar says that photo-realism is dead. They're discussing machine learning and technologies working to give us evenly exposed night-time images on our mobile phones. If these technologies are not available in professional cameras today, will they ever be, and would you want them as a professional photographer?

Optics Allows Photographers to Add Particle-Based Effects to Their Photography

As the artificial intelligence race intensifies among photography software companies, Boris FX is filling a completely different niche with their editing software Optics. With their latest release, Optics users now have access to their powerful Particle Illusion generator, which can create thousands of useful emitters like explosions, smoke, fire, and other particle effects. Today, we take a look at the new Optics 2022 release which is available as a plugin for both Photoshop and Lightroom, as well as a standalone application.

Turning Day to Night in Adobe Photoshop

Whether you couldn't shoot at the time you wanted or you just want to experiment with composites and heavier editing, this video will show you how to make a complete transformation.

How to Create a Realistic Coin in Adobe Photoshop

With many countries still experiencing different degrees of restrictions, arranging photoshoots can be difficult. If you want to keep learning, Photoshop techniques are a decent substitute.

How to Convert Low-Res Logos to Sharp, High-Res Images

Have you ever needed to use a logo or image that just isn't high enough resolution or doesn't have clean enough edges to use? Here's how to quickly and easily convert a low-resolution image to a more useable high-resolution image in Photoshop.

The Art of Digital Imaging

Do you consider this an art form separate from photography, or do you consider this an extension of photography?

The Reality Bending Tool in Adobe Photoshop That Gets Overlooked

Adobe Photoshop has had so many features added in the last few years that it's easy to miss some that could be helpful to your work. The Puppet Warp tool is one that I regularly forget exists, but for compositing and more artistic post-production, it can be superb.

10 Steps to Incredible Landsape Composites in Photoshop CC

Capturing a great landscape photograph is extremely rewarding because a lot of things have to come together in order to nail it. But sometimes no matter how hard you try there's just a little something missing. In this walkthrough, I'll show you how to enhance your landscape images with a composite in Photoshop CC.

How to Get 55 Free Skies From Photoshop’s Latest Update

Adobe has been ramping up its AI features in the last couple of years, including its sky replacement functions. With the latest update to Photoshop, Adobe offers you 55 free skies to download. Here's how to get them.

AI Is Everywhere in Photography. Should We Just Learn To Love It?

The floodgates for artificial intelligence’s interference (or improvements, depending on your point of view) in digital photography have opened up since Apple and Google made it mainstream, with advancements such as Portrait Mode and Night Sight. Adobe took it another direction when it added an A.I.-powered “enhance” feature that enabled the enlarging of photos beyond what’s naturally possible. But is this making photography less real than it should be?

Create a City Glow With the Oniric Plugin

Oniric, from Composite Nation, is a plugin I've been looking for for a long while. Last year I caught an advert for it on Instagram and I haven't looked back since.

Five Tips for Mastering the Pen Tool in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, watch as Dean Samed shows you his top five tips on how to use the pen tool in Photoshop. It is the sharpest and most precise way to cut out anything.

How to Create a Simple Composite in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, watch as I show you how to create a commercial composite portrait in Photoshop. This is a full tutorial showing the process from beginning to end in real-time.

How To Cut Out Figures in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, watch as Dean Samed shows you how to cut-out figures for composite in Photoshop. This is Samed's preferred method which he says gives the sharpest results.

How To Create Snow in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, watch as Redouane Naouri shows you how to create snow in Photoshop. There are many ways to do this, but this technique is one I have not seen before.

Photo Manipulator's Guide To Adobe Stock

In this video tutorial, watch as Dean Samed gives you the low down on all things stock image related. The video is from the perspective of a photo manipulator.

Use Photoshop's Select and Mask To Extract Hair in Seconds

In this video tutorial, watch as Abbey Esparza shows you the best ways to use select and mask in Photoshop. Using select and mask can be tricky, to select hair, but this tutorial will show you how to do it in seconds.

How To Turn Skin Pale and Hair Gray in Photoshop

In this video tutorial watch as I show you how to turn skin pale and hair gray in Photoshop. I have used these two techniques on many images now, and this way is far more adaptable than simply using a desaturate filter.

How To Create Supernatural Eyes in Photoshop

In this video tutorial watch as Abbey Esparza shows you how to create supernatural eyes in Photoshop. This is a great tutorial for anyone who wants to create creepy conceptual images.