The Ripley Effect in Photoshop

If you've watched the series Ripley on Netflix, you'll know how visually stunning the series is. Each shot is crafted with meticulous detail, and if you've also read the recent article by Kim Simpson, "The Series Every Photographer Should Be Watching" and the accompanying video, you'll understand why lighting, the use of shadow, and composition play a particular role in crafting the narrative.

Compelled to try and replicate the monochromatic effect of the series, I turned to Photoshop and, in particular, Adobe Color to achieve the effect using Gradient Masks and Presets.

The video looks at the step-by-step process for creating both to achieve the final results. Admittedly, the lighting is not the same for the images used, but the overall effect achieved is not too dissimilar.

Adobe Color

Adobe Color is a free online tool for creating and exploring color palettes. It allows you to extract colors from an image and generate color schemes using a color wheel. You can also browse and download other color schemes created by users of the Adobe Community or search for palettes based on mood or keywords. Once downloaded, and if you are a Photoshop user, these will be added to your Library tab for reference and use. But even if you are not a Photoshop user, the website is still free to browse and use.Although we are creating a gradient mask in the video using the images from Ripley, as a visual user, I like to take things a step further and create Presets, which allow you to see the results just by hovering over the Preset. Adobe Color is definitely worth trying out and browsing the other color palettes and gradients that are available for you. It's also a great resource if you are learning about color and how best to use it.

If you are new to Adobe Color, Gradient Masks, or Presets, this may provide you with a better insight into them and allow you to experiment with images of your own or extract color palettes from other images, TV shows, or movies. You can read Kim's original article here: The Series Every Photographer Should Be Watching.

Gary McIntyre's picture

Gary McIntyre is a landscape photographer and digital artist based on the west coast of Scotland. As well as running photography workshops in the Glencoe region, providing online editing workshops, Gary also teaches photography and image editing at Ayrshire college.

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