Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (February 2025): Maria Sustelo

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (February 2025): Maria Sustelo

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2025, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

This month's winner is Maria Sustelo! Her work is notable for its stunning colors and careful use of light and editing. Be sure to check out our favorite shots of hers below and give her a follow to see her full portfolio. She's now in the running for Fstoppers Community Photographer of the Year!

How to Be Chosen

Remember, in 2025, we'll be featuring a photographer chosen from the community every month, with every winner getting a tutorial of their choice from the Fstoppers store. Be sure to share your photos in the Fstoppers community

See Past Photographers of the Month

You can see all Photographers of the Month here.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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Congratulations, Maria!

Congratulations, Maria!