One thing that all photographers (hopefully) have in common is collaborations. A while back I traveled with 2 fellow photographers from Brooklyn to a friends place in New Jersey. This guy has a wall full of vintage camera gear and our model/photographer was dressed just right, I figured it would be wrong not to shoot some vintage holding vintage in a vintage!
In Lists
Love the concept and the execution.
Thank you John :)
this is the sickest. well done.
Thank you Grayson :)
Lovely shot! It reminds me of when I did something similar, years ago, in San Francisco using my old Mamiya RB67 Pro-S MF camera.
Your muted color palette is also extremely pleasing, I like how the color of the table/support that the camera is resting on is repeated in the model's skirt. :)
Thank you Cristina!
Did you shoot yours with a digital camera?
I cannot help but think how awesome it would be if I had shot this with yet another vintage film camera!
The colors just worked out that way, I got super lucky!!
Yep, I had shot it with a Canon 5D that I owned at the time. I did have a film body (Canon Elan 7Ne) at the time but I had left it at home since I was already hauling 2 cameras around.
As for the colors, that's awesome! I love lucky little surprises like that.
Classic, Simple, Beautiful
Thank you Tobais!
I really wanted to like this more, but i got hung up on a technicality: the image in the viewer should be upside-down. It was that way in all the TLRs I ever used. That's the only thing about the image I have a problem with. Everything else, including the model's clothing, is great.
Would you believe me if I told you this is not photoshopped?
If I remember correctly, the image is indeed reversed side to side, but not upside down!
You are correct. My memory is faulty. Meine Schuld.
I love this.
Thank you :)