Infinite Unify

Smart Gradient Mapping for Equalizing Tone and Color

Quickly and efficiently correct uneven colors with Infinite Unify. Whether you are dealing with variations in skin tone, color casts, or other issues that can distract from your subject, this Photoshop plugin from Infinite Tools enables you to take full control of gradient maps and solve the problem swiftly.

  • Quickly Correct Uneven Tones
  • Harness the Power of Gradient Mapping
  • A Nuanced, Customizable Approach to Color Correction
  • Limitless Applications In Retouching
  • Achieve a Professional Level of Finishing with Minimal Effort
  • Handle Even The Most Complex Issues
  • Apply Results Across Multiple Images

Quickly Correct Uneven Tones:  Whether you are dealing with variations in skin tone, color casts, or other issues that can distract from your subject, the Infinite Unify Photoshop plugin from Infinite Tools enables you to solve the problem swiftly.

Harness the Power of Gradient Mapping: After picking a range of colors you'd like to perfect, Infinite Unify samples 12 points across your selection to generate a hyper-accurate gradient map removing the need to figure out how to get beautiful results by hand.

A Nuanced, Customizable Approach to Color Correction: The panel lets you dial in the sensitivity of the tone selection, select presets for different lighting conditions, shift the gradient maps' hue, and instantly switch blend modes from color to hue or saturation, all from a quick access interface. 

Handle Even The Most Complex Issues
Infinite Unify’s Advanced Gradient editor gives you hyper precise controls including individual saturation control of the highlights, midtones, and shadows, smoothness of tones selected, and hue or luminosity adjustment to ensure no problem is unsolvable.

Achieve a Professional Level of Finishing with Minimal Effort: Choose to apply the results via a black mask or an intelligent mask based on skin tone to deal with everything from the unflattering effects of mismatched lighting, to variations in a Newborn's skin tone, or even tan lines. 

With Limitless Applications In Retouching: Photographers working in almost every genre: portraiture, landscape, product, or wedding frequently encounter frustrating, time-consuming color issues. Infinite Unify gives you the ability to tackle these problems faster than ever before by creating presets for opacity, smoothness, hue, and gradient mapping.

Apply Results to Multiple Images
Once you've created a perfect gradient, saving it for use on other images is a quick, in-panel process using the "User Layers" tab. You can also access a huge selection of popular gradients using the “Community” tab and even share your own with fellow creatives.

Basic Use of Infinite Unify

Advanced Features in Infinite Unify


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