Where Art Meets Architecture 2

How To Photograph Luxury Homes and Advanced Photoshop Techniques

With Mike Kelley

Fstoppers.com has teamed up with Mike Kelley to produce the second installment of Where Art Meets Architecture: How to Photograph Luxury Homes and Advanced Photoshop Techniques. With 21 lessons and 13 hours of video content, this tutorial will take you from the on-location capture all the way through Mike's most advanced photoshop techniques in the post-production studio. Join Mike as he photographs 5 unique luxury homes set throughout the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles and the ocean cliffs and lava fields of the big island of Hawaii.

This video tutorial includes
  • 13 Hours of Content
  • 23 Photo Lessons with all images needed for editing
  • Bonus Intro to Photoshop Lesson for Mike's Workflow
  • Secret facebook group access
Watch a free lesson from this tutorial
Download this 13 Hour Tutorial Now

Fstoppers has teamed up again with architectural photographer Mike Kelley to produce a second installment of Mike's highly acclaimed educational series on real estate and interior photography.  In this new photography tutorial, Where Art Meets Architecture II:  How to Photograph Luxury Homes and Advanced Photoshop Techniques, Mike focuses on creating images used by architects, interior designers, and high end builders.  The goal for this new educational tutorial is to teach you how you can step up your photography game, produce images that are ready for publication in high end architectural and interior magazines, and gain the attention of high paying clients in the design and architectural market.  

Watch a Free Lesson from Where Art Meets Architecture 2

Watch a free lesson from this tutorial and get a preview of what’s inside Where Art Meets Architecture 2.
Watch a free lesson from this tutorial

The Locations

For this tutorial Mike wanted to not only photograph unique homes to show the different styles in architecture and design, but he also wanted to explore properties that were set in both urban and scenic locations. Throughout this 13 hour tutorial, you will see how Mike uses his techniques to photograph homes in Beverly Hills and Venice Beach, Los Angeles as well as the exotic and beautiful lava fields and beach side cliffs of the Big Island of Hawaii.  From bright and airy homes to post modern vacation getaways, this tutorial explores multiple genres of architecture and design so you can see how Mike tackles common problems he faces in a variety of locations.  

Learn On Location Shooting Tricks and Techniques

Each of the 21 lessons included in this tutorial feature Mike working through real world problems on location. Whether it is lighting dark interior furniture, controlling hot spots caused by the sun, finding a solid composition in a narrow bathroom, or dealing with challenging weather at sunrise, each lesson sheds light on the exact steps Mike uses on a regular basis to produce his signature look. From light painting and bracketing to tilt shift stitching and incorporating the "human element," each architectural location produces a unique backdrop to learn how Mike tackles this exciting genre of photography.

Follow Along in Photoshop

If you are the type of person who learns best with hands on training, you are going to be excited to hear that we have included all the photos needed to follow along with Mike on every lesson. After you learn exactly how Mike photographs each home on-location, the instruction continues in the post production studio. Through extensive frame blending and photo manipulation, Mike Kelley walks you through every step he takes to turn a mediocre photo into an incredibly polished image ready for publication. Since you have all the same files as Mike, you can create your own stack of images in Photoshop and follow along, step by step, perfecting your own post production skills.  Whether it is complex cloning, fixing strange color casts, changing textures with frequency separation, replacing skies with luminosity masks, or understanding different blending modes, this tutorial is packed with some of the most complex Photoshop techniques Mike has ever shared.  

Below are a few examples of some of the before and after images taught in this tutorial:

Digital Download Delivery

Like all of the photography tutorials in the Fstoppers Store, Where Art Meets Architecture II is a digital download. This means that the second you make your purchase, you will receive links in an email to instantly begin downloading each file from this tutorial. Each file is unlocked and ready to be synced to your favorite device so if you enjoy watching these tutorials on your laptop, phone, mobile tablet, desktop computer or HD television, you can seamlessly stream this tutorial anywhere, anytime.  

Some Things Mike Covers In This Tutorial:

  • Finding the Best Composition in a Room
  • Understanding 1 and 2 Point Compositions
  • Taking Advantage of a Tilt Shift Lens
  • Light Painting with Strobes and Hot Lights
  • Staging Furniture and Improving Design Details
  • How to Create Mood and Emotion in a Space
  • 6 Unique Sky Replacement Techniques
  • Mike's Latest Gear Guide and Equipment List
  • Stitching Wide View Twilights
  • Adding the "Human Element" to Spaces
  • Working with Scrims, Flare, and Subtractive Lighting
  • Using the Sun to Create Geometric Shapes in Architecture
  • Shooting at Sunrise, Mid Day, and Twilight

Bonus: 8 Behind The Scenes Episodes

In typical Fstoppers fashion, our behind the scenes cameras continued to roll after each photography lesson had wrapped up. All of this footage that never made the actual tutorial has been edited down into a full 8 episode behind the scenes series.  Follow Mike Kelley and the entire Fstoppers team in this hilarious documentary that showcases everything that went into planning and producing of Where Art Meets Architecture II.  

What's Included in This Download:

  • 13 Hours of content in 32 videos (22GB total, 1080p 23.98fps h.264 mp4 files) 
  • Complete overview of Mike's gear, lighting, and grip equipment
  • 23 Photo Lessons with all images needed for editing
  • Bonus Intro to Photoshop Lesson for Mike's Workflow
  • Access to a new secret facebook group for further learning
  • 8 Brand new behind the scenes episodes of the Making Of
  • Unlimited digital download renewals

Two Additional Tutorials!  

This tutorial is part 2 of a 3 part series Fstoppers has made with Mike Kelley. It is MUCH more advanced than Where Art Meets Architecture 1. If you are just getting started with real estate photography, lighting, and post production, we highly recommend watching WAMA 1 first, but we have also bundled all of the tutorials in this series at a discount if you want to learn everything Mike has to teach.  

View the sales page for WAMA 1 Here.

View the sales page for WAMA 3 Here.

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Two thumbs up, five stars, whatever the highest rating I can give Mike's tutorials, that's what I'm giving them. I've learned more from WAMA and the FB group than any other single method by far! Mike relays the information in such a down to earth way that makes the concepts he's explaining, very easy to understand and put into practice.

So awesome! I can honestly say that MOST of what I learned to get me started in architectural photography I learned from Mike & WAMA1 - and have made tens of thousands of dollars in the meantime. I have a feeling this is going to help address some of the more difficult challenges I've encountered along the way. Definitely going to buy this one (and probably anything he ever makes in the future) Thanks Mike & Team!

I have been shooting architecture for over thirty years and it has steadily garnered me a mid six figure income. I bought Mike's first tutorial and I'll buy this one, simply because if you learn one thing the investment is inconsequential. I can tell you that after three decades of shooting high end projects with the best equipment available, I learned a dozen things from series I, and expect no less from Mike's latest. If one is serious about the craft, you really can't afford not to buy Mike's wonderful seminars.


Just a comment... 4 out of 5 examples show a twilight exterior shot with 1 interior bathroom shot. Is this tutorial series 80% exteriors? I'm an "interior photographer" and exteriors are 5% of my business. Is there a more comprehensive list of the images created in this tutorial?

I'd say it is about half and half. I just quickly added up 12 interior photos out of the 23 lessons. Some of the camera positions for a few images are half inside and half outside so I don't know what you'd consider those really. All in all, Mike does a great job teaching a lot of photoshop techniques that can be used inside and out while explaining shooting challenges that can also be used in both situations.

I think Mike is a great teacher and his techniques are so simple and effective. I would definitely recommend it for anyone seriously considering high end real estate photography. For those who purchased the previous series, the techniques are essentially the same - taking multiple exposures, stacking them in photoshop and then using masks to add or subtract the light. In this series there is more emphasis on showcasing the architecture and creating mood as all the homes are amazing. I wouldn't worry about the advanced label, everything is explained really well so don't feel intimidated.

Sound investment, and great expansion upon the original tutorial! Mike delves into every aspect of his process, step by step in great detail. Thanks to the team for putting this little gem together! Learnt a heap :)

Outstanding follow up to the first course by Mike. This is worth every penny. Plus, Fstoppers promises you will be satisfied or they will refund your money. I have taken them up on that for a different course and my money was refunded promptly. You truly have nothing to lose, buy it, be impressed but if you're not Fstoppers keeps their word and allows you to return the course. This company is great.

I cannot overstate the value of this tutorial. In each lesson Mike delves deeply into composition, art, and the purpose of each shot. As you work your way through the tutorial you're exposed to more advanced techniques which are always introduced in an easy-to-understand way.

Technical skills aside, part of the enjoyment of the course is seeing Mike progress as an artist from the first tutorial to the second. He emphasizes art and encourages his students to capture the mood of a place as it was designed. Sometimes that means adding light, other times it means removing it. I think anyone who completes the numerous lessons in this tutorial will come out on the other side with a comprehensive set of tools not only to compose and create wonderful images but also easily arrange and assemble them in Photoshop.

The value of the lessons speak for themselves, but, as others have mentioned, the Facebook group is an incredible value to those who purchase the tutorial. Mike and other members of the group (some of whom are amazing photographers in their own right) provide lots of feedback and critiques to images people create and are always there to answer questions. Fstoppers and Mike have truly created a community around creating amazing images and running successful architectural photography businesses. Bravo!

Very happy with this series. The processing tutorials are worth the $300 by themselves. You'll re-watch these dozens of times.

The second in the series that I have purchased. Well worth the investment. This video is more on the delicate nature of conceiving the shot and executing it. When to use light and when not to. If you are new to Mike Kelley I would suggest purchasing both tutorials. You will see how Mikes technique and eye for composition has evolved over time. Comp is what I struggle with so I was glad to see emphasis on just that. I use information from both of these tutorials most every day. I primarily shoot RE work and typically need to blow through a 6000 sqft home in 2-3 hours, including video. lol So a tool such as these tutorials make me more efficient and more profitable. And as a side note, the production quality is top notch. A great deal of effort has gone into creating these tutorials. Pretty sharp folks! (except for the bonehead who thought renting a Mustang and heading to race track was a good idea. I'll blame it on lack of sleep.)

Fantastic. I'm an architect turned architectural photographer and have found any resources outside of working directly with seasoned photographer lacking in practical knowledge. Mike not only provides some great tips on his process in the field, but has a great working knowledge of Photoshop and how it can be best used for working with architectural images. I was hesitant at first to spend the $300 for this package, but decided that if I pick up even one tip that I don't currently have in my tool kit, it would pay for itself times ten. The tutorials exceeded my expectations and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to expand their workflow. On top of it all, it's just great to see someone else work through the things that we have to overcome during and after photoshoots. Great work to Mike and the Fstoppers crew!

Every. Thumb. Up. This blows the first (amazing) batch of lessons out of the water. Mike has upped his game tremendously in terms of communicating his ideas, expressing emphasis on important points, and of course making great pictures—and he shares ALL of it. From tripod height to composing with and without tilt-shift lenses to off camera lighting and completely life-changing post-processing techniques, anyone who is serious about improving their career as a professional photographer can now get the most serious-er.

Incredible tutorial series!! If you're working in this space and want to elevate your game to the next level, I can't recommend this highly enough. Access to the Facebook group is worth the price of admission by itself in my opinion. Having direct access to Mike, Lee and Patrick has already been extremely valuable and is really something you can't put a price on.

To any photographer out there regardless of the type of photography you do, this tutorial is a must, so many tools and techniques to be used in all aspects of photography. Mike Kelley is very open about everything, doesn't hold back and shows you exactly what it takes to better yourself. Now if you are in the field of real estate or architectural photography, then this is probably the most important investment you must have. It has everything you need to know between the 1st and 2nd tutorial series. The best part of this is that once you are finished with the videos, you are now part of a group of people who share the knowledge and interact directly with Lee, Patrick & Mike in a private facebook group...Priceless!!!

I've purchased both of Mike's tutorials and they are exceptional. Best money I've ever spent. He's a remarkable teacher and it's astonishing to me he's willing to share all his techniques. If you are interested in learning this type of photography there is no better instruction available. Truly a bargain for the wealth of knowledge you obtain.

Great work again, thumbs up for Mike, Lee and Patrick,
another box of highly valuable information wrapped in tons of fun!!
AND... with it comes the greatest community of interior/architecture photography specialists that's 24/7 available for questions and critique, just perfect!

Such an awesome tutorial, I learnt so much and feel a lot more confident in shooting architectural images. It was really well structured in that it was broken down into half hour lessons, each dedicated to a different room. I will be able to apply the techniques I learnt to my landscape shots as well.

I learned more techniques from WAMA 1 than I did from WAMA 2, but I found the latest one comfortably more professional and more inspiring, maybe because I've grown as a photographer since the first series. Both are a steal at $299, and I mean an absolute steal. I cannot recommend this tutorial highly enough, and kudos to the Fstoppers crew for such a very polished production - they've clearly grown significantly as producers over the last few years.

WAMA1 and 2 were Great! Looking forward to WAMA3.

If you want to get into this field, or you already in this field, don't even think about passing on this one. This is an absolute bargin! Mike gives away SO much knowledge for less than what you could earn from a single shoot. Just buy it (unless you live near me! lol).

To Mike & Crew, Great video! You guy's did a great job in putting this video out. I wish I knew as much about Photoshop as you do. I sure learned a lot! The only problem I saw is Mike you make it look to easy. I see now it just takes Experience, Experience, Experience. I have both courses and what I have learned out weights the cost of the courses by leaps & bounds. Thank You!

I got enough value out of the first tutorial to invest in this one. I was glad I purchased the 2nd tutorial as well. I am a real estate broker and take my own photographs. I've invested a significant amount of time and money in producing quality images.

This tutorial is just amazing! I've learned a lot even just watch it for only about 30minutes ! Hope fstoppers can make more great tutorials like this one~ looking forward for it! 5 stars absolutely!

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As a professional food and architectural photographer I was extremely impressed with these videos. They were very well done.

I like the fact that Mike employs a number of different methods that cover just about any challenging situation you may encounter. His methods are practical, easy to follow and the results are amazing!

Don't waste time or money on any other tutorials you may see out there on the web. THIS is the one you want if you are serious.

I am thinking about purchasing this tutorial. I really like what Mike does and his explanations seem very good. Where I am on the fence is about how up to date it is with the current photoshop, is it based on cs6 or cc. I know things have changed when it comes to light blending modes. Could you clear up my doubts ?

This was filmed just a few months ago with CC but I don't think mike uses any tools not found in other versions. You could easily follow along with cs1

Just purchased part one, can't wait to watch it! During my search about this series I came across another class by Mike on CreativeLive.com and was curious about if anything was covered from WAMA 1&2 in this CreativeLive Class I found, or if it is new/different material: https://www.creativelive.com/courses/architecture-post-processing-using-...

My question is specifically directed at those that have worked with BOTH tutorials. Is there any real value to the part 1 if you purchase part 2 or is there plenty of unique material in both? Would appreciate a timely response as I'd like to make the purchase during the Black Friday sale. Thank you!

If you have part 2 and can follow along easily then part 1 is probably going to be too simplified. If you have never attempted architectural photography or if you have minimal gear (1 speed light and a basic tripod) then WAMA 1 is definitely the place to start.

I think for a lot of photographers, WAMA 2 was the natural progression from 1 because Mike has tweaked his style a bit over the years and part 2 starts off way more advanced than 1 probably ever got even towards the final lessons.

hi there
i have watched some videos and i have a question, hopefully some can answer me ^^
When Mike send the shoots from aperture to photoshop, they open in .PSD
i dont use Aperture but lightroom and when i open in photoshop, they still come in raw
so what s the trick ? and i guess not worth shooting in raw for this kind of photos ?

thanks a lot

Which tutorial are you referring to? I believe Mike used Aperture in WAMA 1 but he only gave you files for one of the images to work along with. In WAMA 2, Mike gives you all the jpegs to work along with but he used Lightrom exclusively since Aperture has sort of fallen to the wayside.

Mike most definitely shoots in RAW but because we wanted to include all the files for WAMA 2 we decided to give you the jpegs because 100+ raw files would have been gigs and gigs of extra material.

I hope that answers your question.

Hi Mike. I just got done with your tutorial and thought I would leave my 2 cents.

I was a little sceptical if I would still learn very much as I have already done a course with you this year in Dubai (which was really good). I really like your work so I figured, even if I wouldn't learn that much, I could at least give my support by buying this tutorial. I am rally glad I did. There were still so many things I learnt from the WAMA2!, especially on the photoshop side. I can still hear you saying "File....scripts....load files into stack" in my sleep :). The different locations and setups were selected fantastically and really gave an insight into other situations. I like how you showed the other images to get a feel of how shooting from different perspectives really changes the entire image. I will defiantly be rewatching some episodes to get that extra practice and inspiration.

The behind the scenes where a great bonus from all the guys and made me want to join. Looked like a lot of fun. If you ever need a helping hand in the Dubai area, you know where to reach me ;)

Keep up the good work Mike and everyone from Fstoppers!

I feel this is hands down the best tutorial I've ever purchased (or the best gear money can buy for that matter.) There was no holding back of any process and the insight from real shoots make it way more relevant than what a school course could do. Plus you can watch it over and over - a great investment and you get what you pay for 100%! The pro tips for shoots and post work will save hours in future projects to come! Honestly I have to say this course changed my life and will refine someone's craft immensely.

Thank you Mike. Wow I've learnt so much already and I'm only up to season 14. Whilst the photography tips are first class Mike has taught me so much in Photoshop. For anyone wishing to improve and increase their Architectural photography and PS skills this is a must buy. Well done FStoppers for bringing us these tutorials at excellent value.

I am self taught as an AP. I owned a design firm for years and fell back in love with Photography with the 4x5 view camera 20 years ago. I have attended 5 week long location centered AP workshops and have learned from some of the best. Continuing one's education is vital but spending 2500-3500 and up per week is a steep price to pay. Granted there are other benefits in the travel and meeting others whom you are likely to learn as much from as the instructor ... but I cannot spend that amount of money at once and be away for a week, You also don't have a 100 % documentary of everything you have learned to refer to ..... Mike is smart young and energetic , he is comfortable in front of the camera and knows not only his photo stuff but he understands design which is vital .... again vital. He should thank his parents .... they did a great job .... he thinks of others ... is fair minded and cares ... cares. I have met lots of people who have been willing to share their knowledge ... it is an unselfish thing to do. I know Mike is making money doing this but he wants to see the "art" of AP grow and become more specialized and of a higher quality. He also knows that anyone can take the same equipment, location and timing and get a completely different result. I have enjoyed following his work and progress ..... Thank you Mike for sharing. I am looking forward to another tutorial on more commercial projects ... they are very different. I cannot imagine regretting this investment .....

Just purchased WAMA 2 & 3 - looking forward to it.

I would like to know if you sell this tutorial to europe (austria) to companies with tax-nr. without tax and how much it would cost.
thanks in advance

I don't understand. This is a digital download so anyone in the world can buy it and instantly start watching it and you won't be charged any tax.

ok, understand. that means 299,- is the price without tax (net cash) due to the fact it is digital download. means: 299,- is without american tax?

There is no tax

Hi, I'm trying tu buy this from Argentina but I can't, it says the transaction couldn't be completed, error. It's only for U.S or should I be able to buy it from Argentina? Please let me know!! Thanks!!

Hi, do the Tutorial prices include sales tax? I ask as I bought a tutorial from Creative Live and the bill was much higher than i expected, thanks.

At the moment we are not charging sales tax

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Having recently bought WAMA 1 and 2, I think the content covered in the workshops is excellent! Whilst WAMA 1 feels a little rough around the edges, the content itself is excellent. WAMA 2 feels far slicker in a production sense, and the fantastic content covered only builds on where the first workshop left off. I have learnt so much from this which will improve the quality of my work and speed up my workflow no end which is two major bonuses! I'd highly recommend the workshops.
One gripe I do have is the format which the workshop is delivered. I have done some other photography workshops, particularly via Masterclass and via Alex Strohl, which are hosted and available to stream online or via an app with the ability to download individual episodes on whatever device you are using. I think this is a much better system than having download links that expire after a certain amount of time, as is the format here. Take my current predicament. I am travelling for a week and put as many episodes onto my iPad as would fit.. I have a few days vacation left and a flight home to come, (the ideal time to watch some a few episodes of WAMA 2), but having logged on I realise the download links expire and therefore it could be a few days before I get the links accessible again. My plan had been to download a few more episodes to a friends laptop, replace the existing episodes on my iPad and continue.. That process alone is laborious enough without having to email for the links to be refreshed - why can't we just stream the episodes?
Additionally to this, most workshops I have done in the past have a PDF workbook that you can download (my Jimmy Chin MasterClass has an 89 page supporting document - a $100 class)..
This would be a nice addition to back up the classes..
However - the effort is worth it, the workshops are excellent, just the delivery is a little archaic for my liking..

Hey I am an intermediate photographer who usually does portraits and landscapes and recently started doing real estate I am pretty good at Photoshop but haven done a whole lot of flash blending. Would I be better off buying this tutorial or WAMA 1.

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