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Rob Baggs
London, & Hertfordshire, GB

Articles written by Rob Baggs

Does a Love of Photography Help or Hinder a Career in It?

Photography is a passion and a hobby for many and a career for a few. But to truly succeed in this competitive industry, does love for photography stand you in good stead, does it make little difference, or does it work against you?

How To Create Seamless Backdrops in Photoshop

There are times where you just don't have enough space, time, or material to cover your entire scene with an infinite backdrop. One workaround that you can do is to use as much as you have, and then extend it across the rest of the image in Photoshop.

How To Create a Spin Smoke Effect in Your Photos

Using smoke has been a staple in photography and cinematography for some time, and to great effect. Here is a tutorial on how to create a spiral look to the smoke for an awesome result.

3 Ways To Photograph the Moon, From Start To Finish

Capturing the moon has been something photographers have tried since it was possible to do. However, it's trickier than most people think, particularly to capture real contrast and detail.

How To Create the Most Popular Music Video Effect

One of the most popular visual effects used in music videos at the moment is a reimagining of one of the more unusual tools in a cinematographer's bag. While you wouldn't be able to create the intended use of it in post, you can mimic the creative version rather easily.

4 Tips To Help You Create Great Images, Every Time

Creating great work on every shoot you arrange is a tall order and the hallmark of an established and experienced photographer. But what areas have the most impact on the shoot's outcome?

Why You Should Never Delete Photos

As you take pictures over the years, your mountain of images will grow. Many of them — indeed, most of them — will be forgettable, uninteresting, or unwanted. So, should you just delete them?

A Simple Trick To Improve Your Final Image

There is a wealth of information for every step of the photographic process, but one area that drastically improved my work some years ago is also one of the areas discussed the least.

How To Create Realistic Long Exposures in Photoshop

Long exposure photography is a staple of the craft and a right of passage for beginners, but if you have some photos or a time-lapse that wasn't a long exposure and you think it might have looked good as one, look no further.

Tips on How To Get Your First Paid Photography Job

In a recent conversation, a new photographer asked me a question that I had forgotten I'd had too when I was starting out. It was difficult to find much information that was actionable, so I'm going to do my best to provide it.

7 Tips for Landscape Composition Photographers Often Forget

Great composition in landscape photographs can be tricky and there are so many tips, tricks, and rules, some of the more basic principles can fall by the wayside. Here are seven tips based around one area of composition that is too often forgotten.

8 Tips for Taking Better Pictures of Young Children and Toddlers

Never work with children or animals, but if you have either, you know you're going to be photographing them. Whether you're photographing your own children or someone else's, here are some tips on how to take better photographs of them.

A Beginner's Guide To Street Photography and Portraits of Strangers

Street photography — particularly street portraiture — is such an engaging and appealing genre to view, but taking the images is somewhat harder for a number of reasons. Here is a beginner's guide for those photographers interested in hitting the streets with their camera.

The Top 100 Films To See for Cinematography

If, like me, you love cinematography, you probably have a few favorites in mind when you think of the term. But even the most dedicated film buff is unlikely to have seen everything on this list.