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Rob Baggs
London, & Hertfordshire, GB

Articles written by Rob Baggs

Behind the Scenes of a Beautiful Portrait Shoot with Just One Low Cost Flash

Great portraiture can be created with anything from natural light to a studio full of the most expensive equipment, but if you — like most photographers — are closer to the natural light setup than a high-end studio, perhaps this video might show you just what you can produce with one, cheap light.

Simple Tips for Creating Better Photographs in Harsh Light

Photographing when the sun is at its highest point in the sky is rarely desirable, but there are certainly times and places where it can make for great images. Here are some tips for that less popular time of day.

How To Create Videos With Little or No Money

A lot of video productions use incredible arsenals of gear — even YouTubers seem to be shooting with tens of thousands of dollars of kit — but it's no secret that isn't necessary. Here are some tips for shooting videos with little to no money.

10 of the Best Ultra-Wide-Angle Lenses for Astrophotography

Astrophotography is one of the few genres where gear can make a profound difference that is impossible to replicate without it. One of the most important tools — if not the most important tool — is the lens on the front of your camera.

A Discussion About Making Money as a Creative

Money is a subject that is rarely discussed openly and that can be detrimental to anyone newly trying to make some as a creative. Here is an interesting and open discussion about the topic.

How Foregrounds Improve Your Landscapes

Landscapes can be tricky to get right, but that's even more the case when you find yourself in a less than magnificent location. One of the biggest issues with flat and uninspiring vistas is composition becomes more difficult and this is where foregrounds play an important role.

7 Creative Color Grading Tricks for Adobe Premiere Pro CC

A master color grader can take forgettable footage and make it memorable; they can set the mood and feel of a scene, add or remove drama, and introduce themes. So, if you're a videographer, it's a great skill to work on.

The Best Settings To Make Sure Your Landscapes Are Sharp

To ensure your photographs are sharp, there are a lot of considerations. As a beginner, that can be daunting. In this video, however, you will find some advice on making sure your image doesn't lose any precious sharpness.

Behind the Scenes of This Fine Art Portrait: A Four Light Setup

There are few types of video more valuable than a good behind-the-scenes, particularly when it walks you through the process. Jump backstage in this tutorial to see how this beautiful, fine art portrait was taken with four lights and a purpose-built set.

What Is the Ultimate, Compact All-Round Camera?

If you could only use one camera, that you could take everywhere and do most things with it, which would it be? It's a difficult question, but this photographer has narrowed it down to four finalists.

10 Handheld Moves To Give You Great Shots Without a Gimbal

While gimbals are a staple of videography these days, in-camera image stabilization (IBIS) has improved to a level that with a bit of know-how, you can get great shots handheld too. Here are ten different styles of shots you can create without a gimbal.