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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Is the 200mm f/2 the Ultimate Portrait Lens?

The 200mm f/2 lens is normally thought of for things like sports photography, but it has found a second home in the hands of portrait photographers. Are the magical images it creates worth the price? Check out this great comparison video to find out.

8 Common Beginner Landscape Photography Mistakes

Landscape photography is a tricky genre that takes the mastery of many technical and creative skills to find success. If you are newer to the genre, this great video will show you eight common mistakes made by beginner landscape photographers and how to fix them.

How to Photograph in Bad Weather

Bad weather can be a pain to work in, but it can also yield powerful and unique images. Before you head out, though, there are a few things worth considering to make sure you can protect your equipment from the elements. This great video discusses both why you should consider photographing in bad weather and how to do it.

How to Retouch a Beauty Portrait Using Photoshop

Lighting and taking the shot is only half of what it takes to produce a great beauty portrait. The retouching also has to be spot on for the photo to be successful. This excellent video tutorial will show you how to retouch a beauty portrait from start to finish using Photoshop.

You're Missing Good Photos if You Avoid Bad Weather

Most of us do not enjoy being out in bad weather and would prefer to be outside when it is warm and sunny. But when it comes to photography, sometimes, good weather is boring and bad weather is far more interesting for creating compelling images. This fantastic video discusses why you might just want to grab your camera and head outside the next time the skies look moody or stormy.

7 Helpful Tips for Better Forest Photos Using a Wide Angle Lens

When we think of landscape photography, we generally think of wide open scenes with grand features and sprawling foregrounds. However, there is an entire world of photographic opportunities awaiting in the forest, and this fantastic video tutorial will give you seven tips for taking better shots using a wide angle lens in the forest.

Solutions to Common Photoshop Sky Replacement Issues

Photoshop's new automatic sky replacement tool is here, and it brings with it the promise of saving a ton of time and effort on a task that is traditionally rather tedious. But of course, no automated software is perfect, and you are bound to run into the occasional issue. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how to deal with the most common problems you might encounter when using the feature.

Three Reasons Why Prime Lenses Are Great Besides Wide Apertures

No doubt, a lot of photographers love prime lenses because they often offer super-wide apertures and creamy bokeh, but that is not the only advantage primes offer over zooms. This fantastic video discusses three reasons prime lenses are not just for crazy bokeh.

The Bokeh Machine: A Review of the XF 50mm f/1.0 R WR Lens

Fuji shooters who are also bokeh fanatics have a new top choice: the XF 50mm f/1.0 R WR. Does it offer sharpness and autofocus performance to match? This fantastic video review takes a look at the lens and the sort of performance you can expect in real-world usage.

Compact and Powerful: A Review of Sony a7C Mirrorless Camera

The Sony a7C is the latest camera in Sony's highly popular and respected line of mirrorless cameras, and it is quite a departure in design from previous cameras in the series. This great video review takes a look at the camera and the kind of performance you can expect from it in practice.

A Beginner's Guide to Shooting in Manual Mode

Mastering manual mode is one of the most fundamental skills every photographer needs to develop to take better creative and technical control of their images. If you are new to photography and wondering how to decode the mystery of manual mode, this fantastic video tutorial will get you up and running in no time at all.

Why Do We Need HSS for Flash Photography?

One of the most useful features for flash photographers is high-speed sync, which allows us to use flash at essentially any shutter speed we would like. This excellent video shows how a focal-plane shutter works and why that creates the need for solutions like high-speed sync.

Creating Uniquely Silky Fall Photos

Fall photography is by far one of the most popular subjects, and most often, photographers shoot it with an eye toward maximizing detail and nuance. Of course, however, that is not the only way to make fall images. This fantastic video takes a look at a different way of producing autumn photos that results in a silky, ethereal style.

Portable and Versatile: A Review of the DJI Pocket 2

DJI's Osmo Pocket gimbal was a great device, offering capable performance in a tiny package that could go anywhere with ease. The Pocket 2 comes with a bevy of new features and improvements over the original model, and this fantastic video review takes a look at what you can expect from it in practice.

How to Set Up a New Camera

Getting a new camera is always exciting, but as complicated and nuanced as bodies are these days, it is important to take a bit of time to set up the camera not only so it matches your preferences, but so it performs as you need it to. This fantastic video discusses all the things you should do to set up a new camera for photography work.

Is the Canon EOS R6 the Best All-Around Mirrorless Camera?

No doubt, the Canon EOS R5 is a fantastically powerful camera, but it is also on the more expensive side of things, and it might have more features than you actually need. The EOS R6 contains a lot of the advanced capabilities of its big cousin but comes in at a much more affordable price. Does that make it the best all-around mirrorless camera? This great video review takes a look at how the R6 holds up after a few months.

5 Effective Techniques for Better Communication in Photoshoots

You can have all the technical skill and creative vision in the world, but it takes the ability to communicate effectively with your clients during a shoot to be able to deliver great images. If that is something you struggle with, this fantastic video tutorial will give you five helpful tips for better communication during photoshoots.

Is Canon's RF 85mm f/1.2L Lens Really Worth Four Times the Price of the RF 85mm f/2?

Canon's 85mm f/1.2 lenses have long been some of its most highly lauded and impressive optics, but along with that extreme design comes a high price tag. But Canon offers a much more affordable 85mm f/2 lens for its mirrorless cameras alongside the famous f/1.2, and that lens is only a quarter the price of its more extreme cousin. Is the f/1.2 worth that extra price? This great video compares the two to help you decide.