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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Five Ways to Get Inspired to Create Better Photos

Creativity and inspiration wax and wane, and it can be difficult to constantly produce new and innovative ideas. Nonetheless, there's a lot you can do to keep your creativity in shape, and this great video will give you some helpful tips so you can keep producing great photos.

How to Find and Read Good Natural Light for Portrait Photography

Light makes or breaks a photo, and when you're shooting natural light, being able to find the right kind is crucial to getting the shots you want. This great video talks about what to look for and how to shape natural light for a great portrait.

Learn the Science That Makes Camera Sensors Work

It's easy to take for granted the fact that our camera sensors somehow translate light into digital data that is eventually reconstructed as a viewable image on our monitors when we return to our studios. However, there's some very deep and impressive science behind this feat, and this neat video will introduce you to how it all works.

All About the Color Picker Tool in Photoshop

The Color Picker tool is one of the most fundamental and important features in Photoshop, and it's packed densely with information and options. This helpful tutorial will show you the ins and outs of the tool and how to understand everything it offers and tells you.

How to Shoot Shallow Depth of Field Portraits in Studio With Flash

Many of us love the look of shallow depth of field portraits and strobe lighting, but when you move into the studio, this combo can present some difficulties. This helpful video will show you some good workarounds for shooting such portraits in your studio.

How to Stay Creative as a Photographer or Filmmaker

Being constantly creative is hard – really hard. And yet, it's our job to consistently pull innovative ideas out of our hats and wow clients with our imaginations and skill. This helpful video talks about how to keep being creative.

How to Create a Film Look for Your Photos From Scratch in Lightroom

The film look is currently enjoying a resurgence, and with that have come many preset packs and the like. While some of those are great, practicing how to create the look from scratch is a good way to learn to be a better editor. This helpful video will show you how to do just that.

See the Stunning Short Film Shot at a Focal Length of 2,520mm

When you get into truly extreme focal lengths, the visual effects you can create are both beautiful and seemingly otherworldly. This amazing short film was shot at an equivalent focal length of 2,520mm, and the scenes it captured are fascinating.

How to Rescue an Underexposed Photo and Maintain Natural Color

We've all done it before and I guarantee that we'll all do it again: sometimes, you just miss the mark and come home with an underexposed image. This helpful tutorial will show you how to save the photo and obtain a natural-looking result.

Learn to Be Honest About Your Photography Abilities to Become Better

One of the most important characteristics of a growing photographer is the ability to accurately assess their current skill level, where they need work, and what sort of jobs they can take on and perform well. This great video examines the importance of being honest about one's abilities.

Take a Tour of the Behemoth Kodak Complex in This Video

Kodak is sadly just a shell of what the company used to be, but the majority of the infrastructure that once made up the film giant is still very much in place. You can take a casual tour of the Kodak complex in this great video.

How to Take Striking Lightning Photos

Lightning can be a great way to add some incredible drama to a landscape shot. This helpful video will show you how to do just that.

How to Balance Ambient Light and Flash in Your Strobe-Lit Photos

When you're first starting out with flash photography, one of the most fundamental skills you'll need is the ability to balance ambient and flash exposure. This great video will show you how to do just that so you can achieve the exact results you envision.

A Quick Guide to Wedding and Engagement Poses to Jumpstart Your Photos

We can talk fairly objectively about camera settings and post-processing techniques, but something that remains a bit more nebulous and difficult to learn is posing. This great video will show you a range of great poses for your next wedding or engagement shoot.

Apple Working More Closely With Customers on New Mac Pro, Says It Will Be Released in 2019

While the iMac recently entered the realm of professional-level capabilities with the Pro line, many users still want a dedicated machine decoupled from the display, and for Apple users, the ultimate such device is the Mac Pro, which has been awaiting an update for quite some time now. Apple has confirmed the update will be released in 2019 and says it's working closely with professional customers on its design.

How Technology and the Internet Weren't Necessarily Good for Photography

We generally think of technology and the Internet as a good thing for photography: digital cameras continue to make more things possible at a higher quality than ever, and the Internet makes the dissemination of one's work both easier and vastly more widespread than ever. Nonetheless, it's not all positive, and this interesting interview takes an honest look at how things have changed.