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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

What Would Actually Happen If a Drone Hit an Aircraft

There's a been a lot of back and forth in recent years about the risk drones pose to airplanes and the type of damage they could possibly cause if an impact were to occur, but little true research has been done. This video follows a research team that used an air cannon to fire a drone at an airplane wing to study the damage that occurred.

Here Are Nine Poses in Just 90 Seconds

Posing is a subtle art full of nuance that takes a long time to develop a good eye for. This great video will give you a head start by showing you nine poses in just 90 seconds.

A Super Easy Way to Color Tone an Image in Photoshop

Like most things in Photoshop, there are several ways to color tone an image using the program, but this one is very straightforward and easy to control and adjust, and this helpful video will show you everything you need to know to do it.

Wedding Photographer Shoves Stepmom With Phone out of the Way to Shoot First Kiss

Wedding photography is not an easy job by any stretch of the imagination, and it comes with its own unique set of challenges, not the least of which is guests with smartphones jockeying for position to take snapshots. One wedding photographer was having none of it when a guest stepped in front of her, shoving the offending guest aside to get the shot.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (September 2018): Grace Almera

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2018, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

A Straightforward Guide to Color Management for Creating Better Photo Prints

Printing your own photos is one of the most satisfying ways to enjoy the fruits of your hard work as a photographer, but doing so comes with its own set of rules and considerations to make sure your prints are just right. This great video will give you a straightforward guide to properly managing color from camera to print.

Four Cinematic Silhouette Lighting Techniques

Good lighting can do more than just properly illuminate your subject for a good exposure; it can help you tell a story. This super informative video will show you four lighting setups for cinematic silhouettes.

The Truth About F-Stops and Aperture

Most photographers learn the basics of aperture in regards to depth of field and light-gathering ability, but some of what you learned is probably wrong, particularly when it comes to f-stops. If you're ready to get geeky, check out this great video that explains the truth behind it all.

Seven Important Lessons Learned From Landscape Photography

Landscape photography can be a sneakily difficult genre to master, as the leap from good to great is much more difficult to navigate than it might seem upon inspection of successful images. This great video examines seven lessons learned about landscape photography.

Rejection Happens to All of Us: Get Used to It to Be a Successful Photographer

No one likes rejection, but it can hit particularly hard in photography, where you feel like you've invested a bit of yourself in your creative endeavors. This excellent video talks about how an early rejection almost caused a now quite successful photographer to hang up his camera permanently.

How and Why You Should Print Your Photos

Now that we're firmly in the digital age, printing photos has been relegated to an optional step in the photographic process, one that many photographers rarely (if ever) take advantage of. This great video talks about why one photographer feels printing photos is so important (even in this age) and how he goes about it.

Why So Many College Graduates Fail in Photography

Getting a degree in photography can seem like a great way to get a college degree and still pursue what you love, yet many, many college graduates end up failing, despite having four years of intensive training in photography. This great video explores just why that is.

30 Great Tips and Ideas for Photography in Autumn

Fall is my favorite time of the year, simply because I can aim my camera almost anywhere and come away with a beautiful image. This great video will give you 30 helpful tips and ideas for autumn photos.

A Quick Guide to Making Your Subject Stand Out From the Background Using Rim Lights

When you're first starting out with studio lighting, it's easy to become focused on getting the key light just right, but if you become too fixated on that, you can overlook the importance of the rim light. This great video will show you how to use a rim light to separate your subject from the background.

A Guide to Various File Formats in Photoshop: What They Are and When to Use Them

If you've ever looked at the list of file formats available in the save dialog box in Photoshop, your head might have started to spin trying to keep track of all the available options and to understand which you should use and when. This helpful video will talk about all the file formats you need to be concerned about and in what situations you should use them.

How to Export Your Photos From Lightroom for Maximum Quality on Instagram

Instagram continues to be one of the top platforms to showcase your work in front of as many eyes as possible and network with potential collaborators and clients. As such, it's important to make sure you're using the best practices for uploading your work to the platform, and this quick and helpful video will show you just what those are.