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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

The Joys and Benefits of Shooting Landscapes Near Home

If you look at enough landscape photography, it might be easy to become convinced that it's a genre centered around exotic locales and epic scenery. And while it certainly doesn't hurt to have access to beautiful places, there's a lot you can shoot right where you live. This great video shows you how much you can accomplish just shooting near your home.

Here's What the Experience With a Digital Camera From 1995 Was Like

The 90s were a time of lightning-fast technological development, when the beginnings of the digital camera experience we take for granted nowadays were just coming together for the first time. This fun video takes a look at the capabilities of a typical camera from the time and the experience of shooting with it.

Ten Situations When You Should Use a Tripod

Tripods are pretty useful, so much so that they're normally the first photography accessory I tell anyone to buy. And while there are some obvious times when you should bring yours along, there are lots of other situations where you might find it useful. This helpful video will show you all the times you should think about packing your tripod as well as some good tips for using them.

Five Tips for Using the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop

The Clone Stamp Tool is probably my favorite thing in Photoshop, as it's a simple, straightforward, versatile, and most importantly, powerful tool for editing a wide range of images. This helpful video will give you five tips for getting the best results out of the Clone Stamp Tool.

A Quick Tutorial on How to Use the Pen Tool in Photoshop

Of all the tools and features in Photoshop, perhaps none strike more fear into the heart of the unsuspecting photographer than the Pen Tool. If you're one of those people, this great tutorial will show you both how the Pen Tool behaves and how to put those rules to use in practice.

Watch a Drone Rescue Two Drowning Swimmers

Drones get a lot of criticism for both privacy and air safety concerns, but they also hold enormous potential beyond simply making aerial photography and videography available to the average shooter. This video shows some of that potential as a drone saves two swimmers caught in a rip current.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About How to Choose and Use Tripods

Tripods are sort of the humble buddy of most photographers: we rarely think about how much we need them in comparison to all the gee-whiz features on cameras and lenses, but they're essential in a lot of situations. This comprehensive video will show you everything you need to know about choosing the right tripod and using it to its full potential.

What Makes Lightroom Photo Edits Go Wrong

Have you ever taken a photo you knew had great potential from the moment you saw it on the back of your camera, come home to edit it, then spent an hour in Lightroom, only to look at the result and feel strangely let down? This great video examines why Lightroom edits sometimes go awry.

Keep Persevering: Why Persistence Pays Off in Photography

If you're engaged in a genre like landscape photography, the simple truth is that no matter how prepared you are, there are things outside your control that may hamper your ability to get good images. This video is a great reminder that a bit of hard work and perseverance will pay off in the end.

Five Things Successful Photographers Don't Do

Every photographer is their own person with their own style and distinct habits, but there are some tendencies of successful photographers that tend to crop up constantly. Here are five things that successful photographers simply don't do.

How to Set Better, More Attainable Creative Goals for Yourself

So, we're a couple weeks into the new year, which is normally about the time we all start to give up on those resolutions we made. That can happen for any number of reasons, most often the goals simply being too lofty or grandiose to be reasonably worked toward. This great video examines how to set better goals to help yourself develop more as a creative.

There's More to Being a Good Photographer Than Talent

There's a tendency in photography (or any creative field) to look at the people who are naturally talented and envy the seemingly effortless ease with which they produce great work, thinking that you'll simply never be as good as them. That's definitely not the case, and this great video explores why talent is sometimes an overrated commodity.

Seven Quick and Easy Photo Fixes Using Lightroom

When you're first starting out post-processing work in both Lightroom and Photoshop, any sort of editing can feel like it takes a long time, just because there are so many ways of going about things and it can take a little while to get your bearings. This great video will show you seven quick and straightforward fixes for photos using Lightroom.

A Complete Guide to Organizing Your Photos in Lightroom and Maintaining an Efficient Workflow

In addition to being the place where you perform a lot of edits on your photos, Lightroom is an excellent program for cataloging and organizing images. As you work over time, you're likely to have tens of thousands of images stored there, and it becomes crucial to carefully organize your photos so you can easily find and work with them. This great video will show you just how to do that along with some other helpful tips.

A Great Comparison of Shooting Film Versus Digital

There's a lot said about film versus digital, and a lot of it tends to be one extreme or the other, but like most things in life, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. This great video takes a very balanced and honest look at the merits and drawbacks of each when used in a fashion shoot.