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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Unknown Person With Gun Shoots Down Photographer's Drone

It's a federal offense to shoot any aircraft, including a drone, which the FAA has made abundantly clear. Nonetheless, Toby Harriman experienced just that this past July 4th, when his drone was shot out of the sky in Aspen, Colorado.

My Biggest Instagram Pet Peeve

Instagram is a really cool thing; it's chock full of amazing work that inspires. It's also a great place to connect with the people who make that work. However, when people create fake connections by following and unfollowing, I get quite annoyed.

Photographers' Rights in the United Kingdom

The ACLU recently released a list of the rights of photographers, but of course, these apply specifically to those in the United States. Here's a great video for those of you who reside in the UK.

Photographer Describes Being With Dallas Police During Recent Shooting

One photographer attended the recent protest in Dallas that sadly turned deadly. His initial position when the shooting began did not allow him to immediately escape, and he spent more than two hours crouched beside a police officer who eventually shielded him as he moved to safety. He shares his harrowing story and photos in this video.

This Powerful Photograph Represents an Entire Movement

The recent fatal shooting of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge has sparked numerous protests and calls for change, fueled all the more by other recent high-profile cases. In particular, the Black Lives Matter movement has gained more and more traction. One photographer took a remarkable image that helps capture the current climate surrounding police and race relations in the United States.

Wedding Photographer Takes Gorgeous Video Using Drone

This is by far one of the most gorgeous drone videos I've ever seen. Shot in California by Adam Rubin of Kaveret, its elegance and narrative beauty make it stand far above the crowded playing field.

Photographer Nearly Run Over by Threatening Man

File this one under scary and unnecessary. A California photographer had an intense encounter with a stranger who went so far as to threaten him and his client with a vehicle multiple times.

ACLU Releases List of Rights of Photographers

Knowing your rights as a photographer is important, particularly if you spend a lot of time working outside or in public places. The American Civil Liberties Union has released a list of rights that any photographer should be aware of.

Watch Live Video of Bears Fishing for Salmon

The Internet and mass proliferation of capable devices has allowed almost anyone to broadcast live video. Many have taken advantage of it in the form of things like Periscope and Facebook Live, using it to broadcast behind the scenes footage and discuss trending topics, but Explore has used it for a rather neat purpose.

What I've Learned Shooting Drone Portraits

I have way too much fun with my drone. And while it's great for landscape shots, I wanted to try something a bit different, so I put a call out for musicians, told them to lay on the ground, and put a camera in the air. However, using a drone to take portraits is far different from having your camera at eye level.

Hilarious Video Parodies The Blackbird by Creating Aerial Version

In case you missed it, recently, The Mill introduced The Blackbird, a remarkable piece of technology that can morph into almost any vehicle you desire in post. Not to be outdone, Blackburrow Creative has made the Millbird, an aerial version of the device, which promises "phenomenally average" results. The demonstration video is phenomenally funny.

'Idiot' Takes Selfie Every Day For 16 Years

The full name of this video is "Idiot continues to take daily self-portrait for 16 yrs despite better projects, longer projects, more popular projects, his face," and it's massively entertaining. JK Keller spent over 5,000 days taking photos of himself, and the result is fascinating.