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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Capturing Light Itself: Photography at 1,000,000,000,000 FPS

Light moves fast — like really fast. 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum, to be exact. Capturing it might seem like a pipe dream, but one MIT professor has done it by doing something remarkable: creating a camera that shoots at 1 trillion frames per second.

Why Drones Scare Me

I love my DJI Phantom 4. I've gotten some great shots that I could have only dreamed of before. And yet, a recent experience left me angry and surprised.

50 Ways to Use Gaffer Tape

Gaffer tape might be the best invention ever. Ok, maybe not ever, but it's certainly up there. It's so useful that Jay P. Morgan of the The Slanted Lens came up with a list of 50 ways to use it. He also wrote a musical number dedicated to the glory that is gaffer tape — a man of many talents.

Everything We Think We Know About the Canon 5D Mark IV

There may be no camera more eagerly anticipated than the Canon 5D Mark IV. The 5D Mark III is one of the workhorses of the industry, but it's definitely showing its age as of late, and many are clamoring for Canon to catch up. The 1D-X Mark II is certainly promising, but for many wedding and portrait photographers, the 5D series is their bread and butter. Here's everything we think we know about the forthcoming camera.

Multiple Companies Testing Drone Jamming Systems

Drones continue to be polarizing: many photographers are embracing them for the way they enable new creative opportunities at relatively affordable prices, while some are bemoaning them as a danger, particularly to air traffic. Three British companies worked together to develop the Anti-UAV Defence System (Auds), which will soon be deployed for testing by the FAA and two U.S. companies.

Steve McCurry in 2015: 'You Should Have No Adjustments in Terms of Photoshop'

The recent controversy surrounding Steve McCurry and his use of Photoshop has raised both questions relating to his past work and broader questions of representation in photography. Though an increasing number of images showing evidence of cloning and other manipulations have been uncovered, recently, two videos have surfaced that raise further questions.

How One Image Put the Earth's Place in the Cosmos in Perspective

Somewhere, some 20 billion kilometers away, the only manmade object to ever reach interstellar space is traveling away at a heliocentric speed of 17 kilometers per second. It's the Voyager 1 probe, and 26 years ago, it took one of the most remarkable pictures in history.

This Montage From the New York City Drone Film Festival Is Incredible

I'm not prone to hyperbole, so when I say "this is amazing," I mean it. We all know there are some brilliant filmmakers out there, and when they push a new technology to its limits, the results are remarkable. Check out this montage of some of the best of the past year.

NASA Releases Closest Photos of Pluto Yet

Though it's already a quarter of a billion miles past Pluto, the NASA New Horizons spacecraft is still transmitting loads of data, and now, NASA has given us what they call "the most detailed view of Pluto’s terrain you’ll see for a very long time."

Man Modifies Nintendo Power Glove to Control Drone With Gestures

Say what you want about the Nintendo Power Glove. Sure, it was terribly inaccurate. Sure, it had awful controls. But hey, if you were rocking one of these in 1989, you were riding the wave of the future. Now, one clever man has used a Power Glove to show off a capability that truly is futuristic: gestural drone control.

Meet Regina Wyllie, the Nine Year-Old Wedding Photographer

When I think back on what I was doing with my life when I was nine years old, it consisted mostly of Nintendo 64. I certainly wasn't doing anything as awesome as Regina Wyllie, who is such an accomplished wedding photographer that brides are now specifically requesting her as the second shooter with her dad, Kevin.

'Trying to Show Him as President': Meet Bernie Sanders' Photographer

There's no arguing that Bernie Sanders' rise has been one of the most remarkable grassroots campaigns in the history of the U.S. His photographer, Arun Chaudhary, recently gave a fascinating interview on what it's like to photograph Sanders and what he's trying to accomplish in doing so.

Stunning Video Shows Cave Divers in Another World

It takes a brave soul to be a cave diver. It's a dangerous extreme sport, but the hidden beauty it uncovers is almost otherworldly. This gorgeous video, shot in Yucatan, showcases all that beauty.

Celebrating 10,000 Articles on Fstoppers: The Top 10 of All Time

Six years ago, Lee Morris and Patrick Hall started Fstoppers, and since then, it has grown into one of the largest resources for photographers, videographers, and creative professionals. Recently, Fstoppers surpassed 10,000 articles, and to celebrate, we're bringing back the top 10 posts of all time.