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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Understanding the Meteoric Rise of Peter McKinnon and How You Can Apply It to Your Work

If you've spent any time on YouTube in the past year looking at photography or videography tutorials, you've likely run across Peter McKinnon's channel at some point. The Toronto-based vlogger has absolutely exploded onto the scene, amassing over 1.1 million subscribers in less than a year. This great video examines what makes him so successful and gives some great lessons you can apply to your own work.

The Top Five Horror Movie Tropes

Halloween is coming, and besides jack-o'-lanterns and candy corn, it's time to break out the horror movies and scare yourself until you can't sleep. Here are five of the most common horror movie tropes and why they still scare us to this day.

How to Create a Fun Bokeh Effect Using Photoshop

Half the fun of having a professional wide-aperture telephoto lens married to a DSLR or mirrorless camera is all you can do with bokeh. However, if you don't have such a lens or want to have some fun with a past shot, this tutorial shows you how to easily add a bokeh effect using Photoshop.

An Easy Way to Create Luminosity Masks

In a lot of genres, particularly landscape photography, luminosity masks are some of the most useful tools you can employ to make selective edits. This helpful video will show you a quick and effective shortcut for creating your own customized luminosity masks.

A Quick and Effective Photoshop Color Correction Technique

An image can have a global color cast for a wide variety of reasons, and there are a multitude of techniques for correcting such issues. This clever technique can resolve a color cast with one click and also provides a way to do so for more difficult images.

A Different Perspective on Handling the Haters

It happens constantly. You put your work out on the Internet or in some other forum, and some overly negative or simply rude person rips it to shreds, leaving you to wonder if you were really that far off the mark. Here's how to deal with the haters.

Some Helpful Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts

Workflow efficiency can always stand to be improved, and keyboard shortcuts are one of those little things that can add up to big savings over time. Here are seven such shortcuts for hopping around Lightroom as quickly as possible.

How to Master the Import Dialog in Lightroom

It might be easy to overlook the features of the Import dialog in Lightroom when your focus is on simply getting the images onto your computer so you can edit them. However, there are a few nuances to the process that can make the post-import work both more efficient and easier, and this helpful video will show you everything that's possible.

Adobe Introduces New Website Portfolio Integration for Lightroom

Perhaps one of the most prominent roadblocks to efficiency when building a portfolio website is the process of selecting, exporting, and uploading batches of photos. Adobe is seeking to reduce the number of steps in that process with their new feature that allows for one-click implementation of Lightroom collections.

Eight Ways to Get Yourself Fired on a Photography Set

A lot of us are going to work on set as an assistant at some point in our careers, and with that job comes a certain set of responsibilities and expectations for behavior. Here are eight things you definitely shouldn't do on set.

Will Internet Data Caps Become Another Expense for Photographers?

Photographers and videographers push a lot of data around the Internet; that's just the nature of what we do. Unfortunately, that could soon be a problem, as Internet service providers are beginning to impose data caps with overage charges on customers.

How to Handle Internet Criticism as a Photographer or Videographer

The Internet is a strange place full of people who will tear you down whenever they can despite lacking the requisite qualifications and experience to do so and the tact to do it respectfully. Here's how to handle those who seem like they just want to ruin your day.

Three Variations on Long Exposure Landscape Photos

There's probably no other genre in which long exposures are so heavily used than landscape photography. The convenience of mostly static subjects combined with the necessity of low ISOs means landscape shooters are often pushing their exposures well past the one-minute mark. This interesting video examines three variations on long exposures of similar subjects and how they produce different results.

Two Helpful Shortcuts to Make Photoshop's Clone Stamp Tool More Useful

The Clone Stamp is the bread and butter tool for a lot of photographers, and rightfully so: it's a tremendously flexible and powerful feature that's strikingly simple in its operation, particularly compared to many other tools. This helpful video shows you a couple of quick shortcuts to get even more versatility out of the Clone Stamp.

How to Handle Creative Jealousy as a Photographer or Videographer

Be honest. When was the last time you saw someone's followers count on Instagram and got jealous? Or maybe you felt they didn't deserve that nice camera because their work was subpar in your eyes. Jealousy is a poisonous and yet far too common emotion among creatives, and this great video essay gets really honest about why we feel it and how to handle it.

A Unique and Powerful Color Correction Technique for Photoshop

Colors casts can happen for a wide variety of reasons ranging from white balance issues to weird venue lighting or poor filter design. And just like the multitude of reasons for their presence, there are numerous ways to fix them. This technique allows you to quickly and precisely zero in on the corrective color you need without needing to eyeball it, making it one you'll definitely want to know.

How to Make Ultra-Difficult Selections Using Alpha Channels in Photoshop

Learning to make selections both precisely and efficiently is a skill all its own, and no method is perfect for every situation. This technique is a great alternative for extremely intricate selections and is both precise and quick in the right situations. Check it out!